The current policy of restricting grass cutting around the CV ponds may lead to an increase in airborne bugs and the disease they carry. I'm concerned about the news reports of an increase in diseases carried by our airborne biting neighbors and the increase in the potential for these diseases striking CV since there is more grass and thus more breeding place for the bugs that carry these diseases.
Is this a fair concern in CV? My limited experience with wet land camping is the bugs bite worse around high wet grass than anywhere else. Should I be worried?
I'm also concerned when I see the grass encroaching on the ponds and connecting streams. My guess is this is a more serious problem since CV started admitting recycled water into our lakes. I love the higher water levels and the beautiful view. It appears, however, that some of the streams may be completely encroached by the grasses growing from shore.
Are these problems that should concern me? Can I help?
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Just a little history lesson RE: Term Limits
If you look at history, there was no such thing as term limits in the USA until after 1945. Presidents until FDR had not won or really tried for a third term let alone a fourth. -
The Republican party rallied and got an amendment passed to limit the President to two terms, thereby cutting their own throats because had Eisenhower wanted to run for a third term, he would have easily won. There are no term limits on senators or congressmen, and frankly, it would be STUPID to do so.
With Century Village the removal of term limits would allow THE VOTER to keep the needed experience and knowledge in place when THE VOTER feels it is the best thing for our village. THE VOTER AKA Delegate is and should be represented for each association in the village. If not the Delegate, then the Alternate.
Should the association choose someone that does not go to the meetings, then they are at fault, not the other associations, hence the next subject which is trying to put a hold on the vote until the "snowbirds" come back. Another Stupid suggestions.
Why do the rest of us have to put everything on hold because they choose not to be here? Once again, each association has a delegate and an alternate. If both are not here in the off season, who's fault is that?
Poor planning on their part doesn't constitute putting the lives of the rest of us on hold. p.s. ....Washington started the tradition of only two terms when he refuse to run for a third....he also turned down being the King...
Friday, June 28, 2013
from Don - Dave, ms. Eva mentioned the possibility of a statue on resistance pool island. How about an online contest for the best idea for the statue? I will save my idea for last- i want to see what others come up with first. from Don.
Elaine's ideas, in photos, these were at Palmieri's. as usual click to enlarge.
Elaine's ideas, in photos, these were at Palmieri's. as usual click to enlarge.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Vote to Remove Term Limits
Here we are looking
down the road to UCO with term limits and unqualified,
inexperienced officers.
There will be another vote on term limits
next week, now is the time to make sure your association has someone
to vote at the Delegate Assembly. It is close to the holiday, so if
your assoc will need an alternate voting delegate on file, choose someone
and go to UCO to have them recorded before the Assembly on the 5th.
We need to remove
term limits, simply: we don't have enough qualified people who want
to do the UCO jobs, and we can't afford to waste the talents of
those who do. Let everyone run for office, let the
Delegates vote your wishes. It would be dangerous to all of us
if you are silent.
See Association Board Members & Delegate Listing form under Interactive Forms on left sidebar.
See Association Board Members & Delegate Listing form under Interactive Forms on left sidebar.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Interesting article that will make you think:
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Operations Meeting 6-25-2013 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
Videography: ..... Laurent ..... WPRF
Video Rendering and upload to Vimeo: ..... Ed Black ..... UCO
Upload to BLOGGER: ..... Dave Israel ..... UCO
Make things happen in Cyberspace, Join our Geek Squad
Dave Israel
RE: June 27th....CV Single Seniors
The June 27th ( Thursday ) Meeting of the newly formed CV Single Seniors, which was to
take place at 7PM at the Camden Pool, has been postponed.. The new date will be announced
shortly....Thank you.....
take place at 7PM at the Camden Pool, has been postponed.. The new date will be announced
shortly....Thank you.....
Gated Community
Now our village SE
side is wrapped in silver chain link. While not insurmountable, it will be interesting to see if
bike crime goes down.
We cannot afford new
fence on Century Drive, really!
Monday, June 24, 2013
The temporary fence
continues, there goes part of the lift station hedge. Nice plantings
on the wrong side of the drive from East Drive are untouched as yet.
Fence really is close - 10' in places, it will be chain link
temporarily and then Golf's Edge will get a decorative aluminum fence
according to Don Zajicek, Coordinator for Reflection Bay (RB). He (in
the plaid shirt) is happy to answer questions and explain the
benefits of RB. Measurements are being made to the inch IAW property
click on photos to enlarge
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Do you like it like this, or like this..

I revived this old post because once again the Hastings motion pool has been stripped of vegetation (with one exception see next post). WPRF Please bring back a dry arrangement.
"Hastings Motion Pool. Where did the Grecian urns go?
I much prefered the urns, they were easy care and you just sink them in the water for hurricanes. The plants may look good in this pic but they get weedy and baked, and need constant care."
The terra cotta pots
were installed when Hastings was first built, smart solution.
Friday, June 21, 2013
A new group of Single Seniors has been formed..Our aim is to provide fellowship, encouragement
and will attempt to bring together Single men and women, for friendship and possible
companionship, for a more productive life of enjoyment and new interests.
Our next meeting will take place, Thursday, June 27th at 7PM, at the Camden Pool,
under the canopy, Coffee & Donuts will be served. for further information
Contact Milt Cohen @1-631-987-6565 or myself @ 687-3886
Bettie Lee Bleckman
and will attempt to bring together Single men and women, for friendship and possible
companionship, for a more productive life of enjoyment and new interests.
Our next meeting will take place, Thursday, June 27th at 7PM, at the Camden Pool,
under the canopy, Coffee & Donuts will be served. for further information
Contact Milt Cohen @1-631-987-6565 or myself @ 687-3886
Bettie Lee Bleckman
WiFi Town Meeting 6-21-2013 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
WiFi Power point briefing
Dave Israel
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Actively dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life in our Village.
10:00 A.M.
Shelly Kalef,
· How you can actively participate in PRPC.
· Updates on legal and other matters concerning the Golf Course.
Open to all Century Village residents.
Dave Israel
Monday, June 17, 2013
The incredible controversy over the "revelation" of NSA activities brings to mind a bit of history!
The incredible controversy over the "revelation" of NSA activities brings to mind a bit of history!
HENRY L. STIMSON. As secretary of state under Herbert Hoover, closed the Department of States code-breaking office, the so-called Black Chamber, in 1929. The Black Chamber was a Cryptanalysis shop (Code breakers) giving the U.S. Government a critical insight on what adversaries were doing, and what they intended to do; when questioned as to why he ended this most critically important intelligence function, he is quoted as saying "Gentlemen do not read each others mail" Such a short sighted view of the real world, has a devastating effect on National Security!
I highly recommend the book: The American Black Chamber a 1931 publication by Herbert O. Yardley. The book describes the inner workings of the interwar American governmental cryptography organization called the Black Chamber. The cryptography historian David Kahn called the book "the most famous book on cryptology ever published."
By describing the inter workings of the organization, the book created large public awareness of the United States' cryptographic abilities.
In particular, the Japanese government became aware of the extent of experience the American government had with cryptography and increased the strength of the their own knowledge in cryptography in response.
This is yet another example of the devastating result of unauthorized leaks of sensitive information, as the unauthorized book undoubtedly cost the United States significantly in blood and treasure in the Pacific theater against Japan in World War II
The criticism about the NSA program(s) is incredibly misplaced, The outcome of War and Peace in the Terrorist age will depend critically upon our ability to collect and exploit information in real time, as to the activities and intentions of our adversaries; as they are by no means gentlemen, neither can we afford to be so.
Dave Israel
I highly recommend the book: The American Black Chamber a 1931 publication by Herbert O. Yardley. The book describes the inner workings of the interwar American governmental cryptography organization called the Black Chamber. The cryptography historian David Kahn called the book "the most famous book on cryptology ever published."
By describing the inter workings of the organization, the book created large public awareness of the United States' cryptographic abilities.
In particular, the Japanese government became aware of the extent of experience the American government had with cryptography and increased the strength of the their own knowledge in cryptography in response.
This is yet another example of the devastating result of unauthorized leaks of sensitive information, as the unauthorized book undoubtedly cost the United States significantly in blood and treasure in the Pacific theater against Japan in World War II
The criticism about the NSA program(s) is incredibly misplaced, The outcome of War and Peace in the Terrorist age will depend critically upon our ability to collect and exploit information in real time, as to the activities and intentions of our adversaries; as they are by no means gentlemen, neither can we afford to be so.
Dave Israel
Response to spy mongers on the malcontent blog
This was posted on the malcontent blog in response to the ridiculous accusations:
You should consider checking with a psych about these paranoid delusions.
What a person did for a living before they retired doesn't mean a thing. If you are a retired postal worker, does that mean you will check all the mail that is sent out or deliver it when it comes in? No. If you were an engineer on the railroad, will you start hanging around the tracks? I doubt it. Even prostitutes eventually have to give up their corner.
Why would you think that just because Dave worked for the NSA and Ed was a radio intel officer that they would be here to spy on Century Village. Once again...ludicrous. Maybe if you had any idea of what the military does, then you would think differently.
Plain and simple, your head needs to be removed from another body part for you to see clearly.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
If there is some interest in this sort of instruction, perhaps UCO's Geek Squad might do some informal courses. Let's hear from you in the Comment stream.
Dave Israel
Friday, June 14, 2013
With litigation in progress as to the fate of the Reflection Bay project, one cannot help but conclude that the current Permit and activity to install a "TEMP CONSTRUCTION FENCE" is clearly premature! The Permit states unambiguously the purpose of the fence:
The following photographs leave no doubt as to the fact that the developer feels confident of the outcome of the litigation!
Thanks to PRPC for the photographs.
Dave Israel
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

wanted to be sure you received the following information:
rains have given us a good dose of mosquito activity. The spray helicopter is
anticipated to go up on Wednesday night or the
first favorable weather window thereafter. It will likely be necessary to make a
second aerial spray two-three weeks after this initial spray.
As a reminder, mosquito spray creates a very fine mist, the droplets of which must actually come in contact with an adult mosquito to be effective. The chemical is very specific to mosquitoes and does not affect other flying insects.
The spray is not harmful to people or pets. That said, some individuals are very sensitive to any material suspended in the air. We keep a registry of those individuals and we notify them in advance of spraying so that they can remain indoors the night of the aerial spray.
As a reminder, mosquito spray creates a very fine mist, the droplets of which must actually come in contact with an adult mosquito to be effective. The chemical is very specific to mosquitoes and does not affect other flying insects.
The spray is not harmful to people or pets. That said, some individuals are very sensitive to any material suspended in the air. We keep a registry of those individuals and we notify them in advance of spraying so that they can remain indoors the night of the aerial spray.
Please advise your family and
friends that may not receive this notice
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
It's rumored by the malcontents that Dave Israel and Ed Black ( a former USAF Radio Intel Officer ) are secretly working from the
UCO office as plants for NSA surveillance of seniors. This WiFi business is all
a front to steal the old folks secrets. : (
Just a heads up folks
Now to put all those
healthy resolutions into action. Today was mostly drinks and
smoothies, the food items will increase in the next few days.
I got fermented tea
and kimchi. They also carry Moe's Fermenteds
Monday, June 10, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Saturday, June 8, 2013
I'd like to take this opportunity to "Thank" my many Friend's, who helped celebrate my Birthday,
last night during "Mr. Karaoke's, a/k/a Jack Kasden" return to hosting Friday Night's Karaoke,
in spite of the inclement weather ...We all were grateful to see 'JACK, BACK ONCE MORE,
and look forward to many more Friday Night's with him
Bettie Lee Bleckman..
last night during "Mr. Karaoke's, a/k/a Jack Kasden" return to hosting Friday Night's Karaoke,
in spite of the inclement weather ...We all were grateful to see 'JACK, BACK ONCE MORE,
and look forward to many more Friday Night's with him
Bettie Lee Bleckman..
Friday, June 7, 2013
Century Village - Delegate Assembly 6-7-2013 from David B. Israel on Vimeo.
Videography ........................ Laurent Lasage ..... WPRF
Video Rendering and Upload to VIMEO..... Ed Black ..... UCO
Upload to BLOGGER ..... Dave Israel ..... UCO
Make things happen in Cyberspace
Join our Geek Squad.
Dave Israel
Andrea Damage
Is there much damage in the Village? A
big gust beheaded a tree in Sussex also this palm on UCO's corner of
West Drive, near North Dr.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Main Clubhouse Staff advises that they have to close the Staff Office tonight, June 6, 2013, due to a staffing issue.
Clubhouse Security has been informed that guests will be unable to get a Guest and/or Day pass tonight but to admit them into the Clubhouse and the movie.
Ron Mazza, Head Usher has also been informed.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Curb Appeal
Work at 4 corners, by Valley Crest our new landscaping co. Only beauty - no
bile on this Blog.
click to enlarge
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Ending Term Limits: One More Hurdle to Go
On June 3rd the UCO Executive Board voted 17-1 in favor of sending the proposal to end term limits to the July 5 Delegates Assembly for a vote. First the petition will be published in the UCO Reporter issue that comes out at the end of June.Delegates, please be sure to attend July 5th and vote for what you believe is best for the Village. Remember, all this proposal does is give officers a chance to run for re-election beyond the terms currently stipulated in the by-laws. No officer is guaranteed another term. Officers will have to win re-election the old-fashioned way: they'll have to earn it.
At the last Officers Meeting, Dom Guarnagia reminded us that only 13 people ran for 10 Executive Board seats in the last election, and Bob Marshall said that he is normally opposed to ending term limits -- except here in Century Village where it is so hard to find people with the time or willingness to serve. Simply: we don't have enough qualified people who want to do these jobs, and we can't afford to waste the talents of those who do.
For now, please let us know your thoughts and we'll see you at this Friday's Delegates Assembly and on July 5.
I am simply devastated, imagine my disappointment when, going to read the most recent set of fairy tales, I was confronted by the following message:
This blog is open to invited readers only
It doesn't look like you have been invited to read this blog.
Please Olga, bring it back! It is so entertaining! I will leave the direct link in the sidebar in case you change your minds
Dave Israel
Saturday, June 1, 2013
Anita Buchanan sends the following
Opponents of Amendment to End Term
Limits say:
“Delegates Can’t Be Trusted”
Since the petition
to end term limits for all UCO officers was defeated in February, many people asked
us to try again because there was so much chaos around the vote. A second
petition with over 100 signatures is headed to the Executive Board on Monday,
June 3. If approved, it will be published in the July issue of the UCO Reporter
before it goes to the Delegates Meeting in August for a vote.
The purpose
of the amendment remains clear cut: We don’t have enough people willing to run
for office in the Village. We need to remove term limits to give proven
officers a chance to run for election, win or lose, beyond the current terms
stipulated by UCO by-laws.
Opponents of
lifting limits for all officers say that we should instead impose term limits on all officers. How in the world would that
solve our problem? Instead of giving proven officers a chance to extend their
service, they want to shut down every officer’s chance to serve again. We don’t
have enough interested candidates, so let’s limit the pool even further?
also say we have to shut out incumbents because delegates are afraid to vote
for someone new. I personally hope all delegates are insulted. How destructive
to think that the delegates we elect to speak for us should be controlled
because they can’t be trusted to make good choices and “we” know best. A good
candidate will be heard and understood. A weak candidate will lose. Disrespecting
the delegates will backfire. This is our democracy and we should spend time
informing our delegates, not disparaging them.
There are
all kinds of arguments against ending term limits, but they all miss the point.
We need the best talent available for these responsible but thankless jobs that
bring boatloads of criticism and grief. How lucky we are to have intelligent, proven
officers willing to absorb the abuse and keep on fighting for us – and willing
to run for reelection knowing full well how ugly and stressful campaigns in the
Village can get, and that they may well lose.
And at the
risk of repetition: If we don’t want officers to continue serving us, we won’t vote for them. End of story.
What are the
opponents of this proposal afraid of? And why do they continue to distrust our
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