Can someone explain the purpose of the dock on Duck Island?
dock 1
a. A platform extending from a shore over water, used to secure, protect, and provide access to a boat or ship; a pier.
b. docks An area along a commercial waterfront having docks or piers.
c. The area of water between two piers or alongside a pier that receives a vessel for loading, unloading, or repairs: The boat moved slowly into the dock.
2. A floating platform attached to a mooring and used as a rest or play area when swimming.
3. A platform or door at which trucks or trains load or unload cargo.
v. docked, dock·ing, docks
1. To maneuver (a vessel or vehicle) into or next to a dock.
2. To couple (two or more spacecraft, for example) in space.
To move or come into or next to a dock.
[Early Modern English dok, area of mud in which a ship can rest at low tide, dock; akin to Middle Dutch docke, area of water between two piers or alongside a pier, of unknown origin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. (Civil Engineering) a wharf or pier
2. (Civil Engineering) a space between two wharves or piers for the mooring of ships
3. (Civil Engineering) an area of water that can accommodate a ship and can be closed off to allow regulation of the water level
4. (Civil Engineering) short for dry dock
6. (Civil Engineering) US and Canadian a platform from which lorries, goods trains, etc, are loaded and unloaded
7. (Nautical Terms) to moor (a vessel) at a dock or (of a vessel) to be moored at a dock
8. (Nautical Terms) to put (a vessel) into a dry dock for repairs or (of a vessel) to come into a dry dock
9. (Astronautics) (of two spacecraft) to link together in space or link together (two spacecraft) in space
According to the definition above, does the "dock" on Duck Island qualify? Maybe we should call it the platform, because that is what it truly is, just an overpriced platform for the 20 or 30 people that want to fish. Boats do not use it, although it would make sense if they did.
WPRF is wants to repair the dock and the bids for the repairs are in the $30k range for replacing the deck. Just The deck. The pilings under the dock may or may not still be good, there are no guarantees that they will. If not, this could more than double the price. Why spend this kind of money just to benefit 20 or 30 people?
It irks me that some complain about paying for WiFi which would result in a savings for thousands in the village and yet I don't hear them complain about spending 30 to possibly 60 thousand for the benefit of 20 or 30 people. Oh wait...anyone can have access to the dock, so it would be more than 30 people... same could be said of WiFi. Anyone can have access and rather than paying 20, 30 40 a month it could be 5. BIG DIFFERENCE. Then there are those that will say "Well, I don't have a computer, so what do I need WiFi for?" But they have children and grandchildren that visit and then they are bothering their neighbors for access to THEIR WiFi passwords... or they are calling on Neighbors with computers to look something up or send an e-mail for them to their kids or some business.
I don't ride the buses, but I pay for them. What would happen if everyone that didn't ride the bus decided to "OPT OUT"? I'll tell you what would happen, your bus service would be drastically cut to just the bare essentials. No Morse, No Family Dollar, No Imaging center, No Library, No Humana, No Post Office, No Dr Sapenoff, No Nana's Diner, No Church, No Dollar Tree. Just Wal-Mart, and Publix...and not 13 times a day, probably just 2 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Missed the bus? Call a cab. And forget Excursions to the casinos, Flea Markets or State Fairs, they would be gone too.
Just because I don't ride the bus doesn't mean I should opt out, same is true for the WiFi. It benefits MANY in the village. Not 20 or 30, but thousands.
How many were here when cable came in? How many opposed it? How many would complain if cable was suddenly taken away?
Back to the Dock, The Dock from what I was told, was used mostly by the fishing club for catch and release fishing (which is probably the best way to fish here). WPRF should use the money for something other than repairing a useless dock.
the fishing club, and anyone else wanting to fish can do it the way it was meant to be...from the shore.