Hi all,
I have been advised by W.P.R.F., Inc. that their legal department wants the Century Village brand name to be removed from the BLOG.
It is not a real problem, but I would like to ask all of our BLOG members to suggest new names for the BLOG in the Comment Stream.
One idea I have been considering is monetizing the BLOG (yes, that would mean ads) and turning it over to the UCO Reporter. Perhaps then re-naming it to something like "UCO-Reporter-in-Cyberspace.wpb.blogspot.com" but this would probably require a vote of the Delegate Assembly.
So, please give this some thought and respond with a comment.
Dave Israel
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Monday, July 30, 2012
Florida Consumer Newsletter - July scams
You can sign up for the Florida
Consumer Newsletter http://app1.800helpfla.com/newsletter/
and the July issue
covers 'government' scams and variations that sound official.
Good to know the latest!
Personally - I have received 6 email
versions of 'Pay your July bill online' pretending to be Comcast.
Comcast is looking into this latest phishing attempt.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Don't Miss Olympics
Watch on our
Channels 3, 42, 56 or online - http://xfinitytv.comcast.net/nbcolympics
(catch events you missed, something good from Comcast), youtube
various, and www.wikihow.com/Watch-the-Olympics-Online
Friday, July 27, 2012
As a non driver, I am always interested in simplifying my life ---and sometimes it is difficult for me to shop for organic produce ---I am now getting that delivered thru:
www.palmbeachorganics.org There is a one time joining fee for this co op and then you have choices of delivery frequency and size of basket ---on tues afternoon, the available produce for the week is listed - it's not a pick and choose ---and you may not get everything on the list ---initially, you answer questions about your likes and dislikes and you can indicate each delivery if there is something you don't want ----I have been very happy so far ---and just thought maybe there is someone out there in blogland who may be interested or know someone who would like this service. I'll be baking plum bread tomorrow! I am usually asking for help or answers - nice to have something to offer
We are advised by the Palm Beach County Water Utility Department that the Boil Water Alert is lifted.
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Repairs to water system completed at 10:25pm.
Boil water until further notice.
The boil water alert will continue until the Department of Health has completed water quality testing.
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization
We are advised by the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department of a main water pipe break!
Water will be turned off in the entire Village from 8pm - 11:30pm this evening July 25, 2012!
Upon return of water service, there will be A BOIL WATER ALERT! until further notice; possibly as long as 48 hours.
This applies to any water consumed; bring water to a rolling boil for one minute.
Watch this BLOG, and Channel 63 for any additional information.
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization
Part one
Introduction - Barbara Roth
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation - Rabbi Brad Foxman
Part two
Max Lubin - Obama Campaign Staff
Part two
Max Lubin - Obama Campaign Staff
Part three
Congressman - Ted Deutch
DNC Chair, Congresswoman - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
UCO President - Dave Israel
President of The United States - Barack Obama
Videography - Scott Rachesky and CSPAN
Video Rendering - Ed Black
Upload to Vimeo - Ed Black
Upload to BLOG - Dave Israel -
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thanks to Mike Minckene of Sheffield I who sent the following link:
Dave Israel
After a very exciting week, it is time to thank many of the people who worked to make this a successful visit of the President.
I will never remember or even know many of the background people who worked on this project so first I will thank all the unsung heros who will know who they are even if we don't. From security to the cleaning crews, there are many who went the extra mile this week. Thank you
Now for our UCO President, David Israel, whom I was so proud of when he got a special thank you from the President for the excellent introduction. For Ed Black (Security Chair) who worked night and day all week, just doing what needed doing. For Barbara Cornish who filled the shoes of four VPs. Three being out because of illness, surgery or away. They didn't plan to be gone this week but it happened and Barbara picked up the gauntlet and ran with it. Eva Rachesky, whose home away from home, was invaded by aliens from the government, running miles of wiring from here and back again. The rules went through many changes as the days went on and all of these people rolled with it and got it done. It was done remarkably well.
One of my big thanks is for an office staff that is techniclly adept. This is such a bonus for our UCO office. It has not been that long since we were using 20 column paper ledger books for investigation info. For our staff to be able to talk to the government techies and understand what they were saying and then act on it accordingly is a wonderful wave of today's world.
Thank God for the rainy season and the landscaping crews that have made our village so beautiful.
Thanks for the paving company that made our roads good looking and so nice and smooth to drive over. Thanks for all the buildings who take care of their associations and have painted and added plantings. The village looks great and we have more green space than so many of the newer communities. Thank God that we have not had any hurricanes that always set progress back as we have to recover from them.
I will never remember or even know many of the background people who worked on this project so first I will thank all the unsung heros who will know who they are even if we don't. From security to the cleaning crews, there are many who went the extra mile this week. Thank you
Now for our UCO President, David Israel, whom I was so proud of when he got a special thank you from the President for the excellent introduction. For Ed Black (Security Chair) who worked night and day all week, just doing what needed doing. For Barbara Cornish who filled the shoes of four VPs. Three being out because of illness, surgery or away. They didn't plan to be gone this week but it happened and Barbara picked up the gauntlet and ran with it. Eva Rachesky, whose home away from home, was invaded by aliens from the government, running miles of wiring from here and back again. The rules went through many changes as the days went on and all of these people rolled with it and got it done. It was done remarkably well.
One of my big thanks is for an office staff that is techniclly adept. This is such a bonus for our UCO office. It has not been that long since we were using 20 column paper ledger books for investigation info. For our staff to be able to talk to the government techies and understand what they were saying and then act on it accordingly is a wonderful wave of today's world.
Thank God for the rainy season and the landscaping crews that have made our village so beautiful.
Thanks for the paving company that made our roads good looking and so nice and smooth to drive over. Thanks for all the buildings who take care of their associations and have painted and added plantings. The village looks great and we have more green space than so many of the newer communities. Thank God that we have not had any hurricanes that always set progress back as we have to recover from them.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Almost Famous
you go to youtube you can search 'Obama century village'
see Kisses and Hi-lights - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QWqrHmbK_s
actual Motorcade - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUdO8Fdpo5A
or Health Care -
Mute button
jokes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VOW1P2FRRuQ
short, work for what
we earn - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfsnox1iLkE
short, kisses -
short, cut thru
nonsense mute - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StBm3sXTF0Y
and Pat, Anita, and
Barbara look great ;-)
Friday, July 20, 2012
The following audio clip is an NPR story about early breaking news on the Colorado tragedy and the visit of President Obama to Century Village. UCO President Dave Israel, and State Attorney candidate Dave Aronberg are interviewed:
From the excitement and joy yesterday at Century Village to the pain and tragedy at century theater in Aurora Colorado.What a difference a day makes. Not even 24 little hours. May the healing of this massacre for those who have felt the pain be tempered with the grace of their God. I pray for all of them and I know the people of this village will also.
Mollie Reynolds interviews UCO President on how the President Obama visit was released to National Press via Social Networking on the Century Village BLOG.
Dave Israel
"Wild in Century Village"
President Israel carries launch codes, or is it just his speech?
President Obama wades into the wild-about-Barack Century Village crowd.
What a great day it was for Century Village. President Obama was here!!!
Great thanks for all the hard work goes out to Dave Israel, Ed Black, Barbara Cornish and the entire UCO team of VOLUNTEERS who worked tirelessly and endlessly to make Pres. Obama's visit sucessful one AND IT WAS. Many thanks also go out to Eva and her staff at WPRF for their abundant amout of hard work put into this occassion.
Great thanks for all the hard work goes out to Dave Israel, Ed Black, Barbara Cornish and the entire UCO team of VOLUNTEERS who worked tirelessly and endlessly to make Pres. Obama's visit sucessful one AND IT WAS. Many thanks also go out to Eva and her staff at WPRF for their abundant amout of hard work put into this occassion.
Dave Israel said to debgeller in a comment to a previous post, we can use
photos you may have taken of President Obama's visit. These can be of last
night's get-together in the Clubhouse Party Room or of what you saw in the
Village from the outside.
have held up the August issue of the UCO Reporter in order to be able to
include a special section on President Obama's historic visit on Thursday, July
19, to Century Village. To include your photos in this issue, we must get
them from you immediately, like no later than today, Friday, July 20.
send to ucoreporterpix@gmail.com. Add any pertinent text, such as
"Mailboxes being removed" or "Lineup of cars at the Haverhill
anything of special interest concerning the President's visit occurred that you
know about and we might not, you could also drop us a BRIEF line at ucoreporterwpb@gmail.com. But
please, no later than today, Friday, for possible inclusion in the August Reporter.
will be able to use only a small percentage of what is submitted, of course,
but we appreciate your help.
was an exciting evening, wasn't it!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
am pleased to announce the appearance of the President of the United States at
the main Clubhouse, Century Village, West Palm Beach, Florida.
July 19, 2012
Doors Open at 4:15 pm
Party Room
needed for entrance.
are available on a first come basis.
Tickets will be available at the ticket office in the Century Village Main Clubhouse on Tuesday, July 17 beginning at 5 pm.
5500 Century Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33417.
5500 Century Blvd, West Palm Beach, FL 33417.
We set up our "Welcome President Obama" camp at 3:30 today on Century Blvd. ("We" meaning my grandbaby Elizabeth and I.) We took some shots of the folks throughout the day and sent them to The Reporter... but just before the President arrived, the Secret Service requested we move to the clubhouse side of Century Blvd. Yikes. Poor Elizabeth... who held out all afternoon to see "Mr. BoBoma"... bless her heart, she is only a three-year-old... just pooped out. So we missed hm!!! But I am streaming him live on TV now, and am still so excited about his visit.
Joy Vestal, Senior Reporter and Editor for the
UCO Reporter sends along the following:
UCO Reporter sends along the following:
The UCO Reporter needs pictures outside the clubhouse during the President's visit. We need pictures of the President arriving at the clubhouse, his motorcade and crowds lining sidewalk waiting to get a glimpse of him. We are looking for anything of interest outside. If you get any good shots bring them to the Reporter office, at the Camden pool on Friday.
JoyVestal, Co-Editor, UCO Reporter.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
At this point, all available tickets for this signal event have been distributed, some 400 in total. So, this Post is for those who hold a ticket!
Please understand, that there are Rules, with a capital "R"!
1) Read the disclaimer at the bottom of your ticket; note that there will be a security scan of each person upon entry, so, do not come loaded with stuff; a camera is permitted.
On Thursday, July 19, The Clubhouse will come under strict Security control by the Secret Service.
On Thursday, July 19, National and International Press will move equipment onto the Island, satellite TV vehicles and other equipment. The parking spaces will be drastically limited, and any privately owned vehicle that attempts access to the island will be examined by Secret Service Agents.
The best and principal way ticket holders must access the event is to drive to Temple Anshei Sholom, Park and board the busses which will shuttle you to the Clubhouse. Of course you will be bused back to Anshei Sholom after the event is over. Starting at 4:00pm Internal Busses will do there regular run continously picking up people with tickets ONLY!
Finally, for those of you who were not able to obtain a ticket, we are attempting to have this event carried in real time live on CVTV Channel 63. This has some degree of technical risk and may not be successful. Also NewsChannel 5 will be live streaming President Obama's Thursday arrival and speech on WPTV.com and the WPTV mobile app.
Enter your questions in the Comment stream, and every attempt will be made to answer them in time.
Please enjoy it, this is a once in a lifetime event for our Village
Dave Israel
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Hello To The Group
Greetings & Hello Everyone,
Please allow me to introduce myself:
I'm Larry, The Son Of Martin, From The House Of Bomse ( Larry Bomse )
I live in Century Village Pembroke Pines and operate the information website for our village.
Some of our information could benefit the Residents Of Century Village West Palm Beach,
As well as the Residents of Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach Villages.
We offer Free Food, 70% Discounted or Free Medicine, Free Transportation
And Free Apartment Cleaning. We also have information on the current shows at
All Of The Century Village Properties.
I have started our own blog but it's not anything like your wonderful Blog Here.
I see that i need to step up to the plate and get going with our Blog.
Youse Guyz have a wonderful Blog that i see everyone contributes to,
A job well done WPB C.V., A job well done indeed.
Thank you for letting me into your world.
We look forward to contributing in any way we can
Providing useful information that all residents can use.
We have also added a link to you're WPB Blog on our website.
Its on the Left Side Navigation Tree, Above our Disclaimer, on the bottom of the nav tree.
Thanks again :Larry:
The Village Voice
Please allow me to introduce myself:
I'm Larry, The Son Of Martin, From The House Of Bomse ( Larry Bomse )
I live in Century Village Pembroke Pines and operate the information website for our village.
Some of our information could benefit the Residents Of Century Village West Palm Beach,
As well as the Residents of Boca Raton and Deerfield Beach Villages.
We offer Free Food, 70% Discounted or Free Medicine, Free Transportation
And Free Apartment Cleaning. We also have information on the current shows at
All Of The Century Village Properties.
I have started our own blog but it's not anything like your wonderful Blog Here.
I see that i need to step up to the plate and get going with our Blog.
Youse Guyz have a wonderful Blog that i see everyone contributes to,
A job well done WPB C.V., A job well done indeed.
Thank you for letting me into your world.
We look forward to contributing in any way we can
Providing useful information that all residents can use.
We have also added a link to you're WPB Blog on our website.
Its on the Left Side Navigation Tree, Above our Disclaimer, on the bottom of the nav tree.
Thanks again :Larry:
The Village Voice
Mary Lou Berger at Century Village West
This aerial photo of Century Village West in Boca Raton is taken from the 49-minute video of Candidate Mary Lou Berger's star-studded appearance at your sister village to the South.
To see more aerial views use the link below to see "Mary Lou Berger at Century Village, Boca Raton.
Photo: Blake Piha
Century Village, Boca Raton
CVW residents with Mary Lou Berger and State Representative Irv Slosberg
CVW's Melissa and Mary Lou Berger
Firefighters for Mary Lou Berger
Fire Rescue Captain John Fisher
Congressman Ted Deutch
Property Appraiser Candidate Robert Weinroth
CVW Democratic Club President Marvin Manning and Memeber Mike Limongelli with Sheriff Ric Bradshaw
CLICK ON the following link to see a 49-minute video of Palm Beach County Commissioner Candidate Mary Lou Berger's appearance at Century Village West in Boca Raton on July 15, 2012 with Commisioner Burt Aaronson, Cong. Ted Deutch, State Rep. Irv Slosberg, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw, Property Appraiser Candidate Robert Weinroth and a helicopter view of CVW on YouTube:
Fred Hadley, Publisher
Fred Hadley, Publisher: The Village Sentry
Fred Hadley, Publisher
The Village Sentry
Monday, July 16, 2012
Here's an idea. I upgraded my old "gold" lined kitchen cabinets. I replaced the golden, worn out hinges with new chrome hinges and pulls. I filled in the gold lines with a white primer, then red paint. I used my "Mr. Eraser" to get off the excess paint. (I'm not the neatest painter in the world.) My kitchen accessories are all red colors, so it looks great! The cost was under a hundred bucks..
Power Outage Idea
I have a friend
who used her Solar Lights inside the house at night when the electric
power went off during a hurricane. She stuck them in jars and bottles
and said they gave off plenty of 'free light' in each room. She put
them outside in the daytime and brought them back inside at night for
several days while the power was off. They are safer than candles and
cheaper than batteries.
Thanks Grace
Sunday, July 15, 2012
UCO is conducting a Wi-Fi survey. We have uploaded an Interactive form to the cloud, follow the link:
To access the interactive form, drop the "file" menu and click "download".
Dave Israel
Saturday, July 14, 2012
An old friend sent me this ....
As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend.
I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.
Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play, on the computer, until 4 AM, or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50, 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love, I will.
I will walk the beach, in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. They, too, will get old.
I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And, I eventually remember the important things.
Sure, over the years, my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break, when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But, broken hearts are what give us strength, and understanding, and compassion. A heart never broken, is pristine, and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.
As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.
So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).
I have seen too many dear friends leave this world, too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging.
Whose business is it, if I choose to read, or play, on the computer, until 4 AM, or sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 50, 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love, I will.
I will walk the beach, in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves, with abandon, if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. They, too, will get old.
I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And, I eventually remember the important things.
Sure, over the years, my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break, when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But, broken hearts are what give us strength, and understanding, and compassion. A heart never broken, is pristine, and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.
As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.
So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if I feel like it).
Friday, July 13, 2012
Pat would like to thank all for their kind words.
I believe everyone in the community should get along. Why the hatred? On election day you lose. Big deal. You lost – tighten your belt, smile and get along with whomever won the elections, even if you did not vote for them.
Once again thanks to all especially Joy Vestal.
From Pat Sealander
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
I Trust that all delegates would give feedback to the unit owners after attending a delegate meeting . Unit owners would be appalled if they knew that a few owners ( one of interest owns 5 units) are trying to become the new leaders of CV.If they have witnessed as I and many others have at the delegate meetings there is reason to fear for the future of our village. There is a obvious lack of ability and leadership skills and there is no one served but those whose goal is to self serve . Very scary!!
In case you didn't notice at the last Delegate Meeting that was Pat Sealander taking notes for myself, the Recording Secretary. Because I just recently had hip replacement surgery I am not mobile and cannot at this time fulfill my duties. I asked Pat, who by the way was my opponent in the election, if she would fill in for me and without hesitation she said yes! YES! some of us still know how to get along, work together and do what is necessary to help our Village. Thanks Pat, I hope I will be able to return the favor, if not to you directly, but to someone else who may need my help.
Joy Vestal
UCO Recording Secretary
Sunday, July 8, 2012
As many of you are aware, there is an effort in progress by a few malcontents, to get yours truly Recalled from the Presidency of UCO! They are circulating a petition and attempting to get our Residents to sign it. The Bylaws require 35 signatures in order to trigger a hearing.
I have received reports that some of these folks have been seen intimidating others in order to obtain their signature; this is of course ethically and morally repugnant.
I herewith call upon anyone who witnesses such intimidation to write a report describing this event in detail, include Who, What, Where, When...Etc. Date the report and sign it before a Notary.
Such reports will be very helpful to me at the Recall hearing.
Stand up and be counted, don't let them take us back to the good old days.
Dave Israel
United civic Organization
This should calm the Manufactured Panic expressed at the Delegate Assembly. We have clearly $826,683.70 projected for all of 2012. Rest Easy, we can pay our bills without Mortgages, line of credit usage, or SELLING the UCO building!
Do not permit a few malcontents to lead the Village down the wrong path!
Dave Israel
Great Holocaust Secret
A great many
Jews know the story of how the Danes rescued 8,000 Jews from the Nazis by
smuggling them to Sweden in fishing boats.
Very few
Jews, know the story of how all 50,000 Bulgarian Jews were saved. Not a single
Bulgarian Jew was deported to the death camps, due to the heroism of many
Bulgarians of every walk of life, up to and including the King and the
Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
In 1999,
Abraham Foxman, the National Director of the Anti Defamation League flew with a
delegation to Sophia to meet the Bulgarian Prime Minister. He gave the Prime Minister the
first Bulgarian language copy of a remarkable book, "Beyond Hitler's
Grasp," written in 1998, by Michael Bar Oar, a professor at Emory
University . (A Bulgarian Jew who had migrated to Israel and then to the USA ).
This book
documents the rescue effort in detail. The ADL paid for and shipped 30,000
copies to Bulgaria , so that the population could partake in the joy of learning
about this heroic facet of their history. This story is clearly the last great secret of the Holocaust era. The story was buried by the Bulgarian Communists, until their downfall in 1991. All records were sealed, since they didn't wish to glorify the King, or the Church, or the non Communist parliamentarians, who at great personal risk, stood up to the Germans. And the Bulgarian Jewish Community, 45,000 of whom went to Israel after the war, were busy building new lives, and somehow the story remained untold.
Bulgaria is
a small country and at the outset of the War they had 8 million people. They
aligned themselves with the Nazis in hopes of recapturing Macedonia from
Yugoslavia and Thrace from Greece . Both provinces were stripped from them, after
World War I. In late 1942 the Jews of Selonica were shipped north through
Bulgaria , on the way to the death camps, in sealed box cars. The news of this
inhumanity was a hot topic of conversation. Then, at the beginning of 1943, the
pro Nazi Bulgarian government was informed that all 50,000 Bulgarian Jews would
be deported in March. The Jews had been made to wear yellow stars and were
highly visible.
As the date
for the deportation got closer, the agitation got greater. Forty-three ruling
party members of Parliament walked out in protest. Newspapers denounced what
was about to happen. In addition, the Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox
Church, Archbishop Krill, threatened to
lie down on the railroad tracks. Finally, King Boris III forbade the
deportation. Since Bulgaria was an ally of Germany , and the Germans were
stretched militarily, they had to wrestle with the problem of how much pressure
they could afford to apply. They decided
to pass.
points are noteworthy. The Bulgarian Jews were relatively unreligious and did
not stand apart from the local populace by virtue of garb, or rites. They were
relatively poor by comparison to Jews in other countries, and they lived in
integrated neighborhoods. Additionally, the Bulgarians had many minorities,
Armenians, Turks, Greeks, and Gypsies, in addition to Jews.
There was no
concept of racism in that culture. The bottom line here is that Bulgarians saw
Bulgarian-Jews as Bulgarians, and not as Jews. And, being a small country, like
Denmark , where there was a closeness of community that is often missing in
larger countries. So, here was a bright spot that we can point to as example of
what should have been.
The most
famous of those saved was a young graduate of the Bulgarian Military Academy .
When he arrived in Israel , he changed his name to ...Moshe Dayan.
A little story about book keeping
Many, Many years ago as a very young bride, I had a little booklet that contained about 12 envelopes with titles like, rent, utilities, food, insurance, etc, etc.... Every week I took our paychecks and divided them up into these envelopes. When bill came due I had the money in the envelope. It worked.
I then matured somewhat and opened a checking and a savings account. I developed a yearly budget, divided it by 12 and deposited that amount of money each month. The only other account I had was for savings which came first and maybe the precious little extra I might have. This method worked much better. Ir was easy, secure, and much easier to use.
I think the current UCO treasurer is using the budget envelope type of book keeping. Her many different checking accounts seem to confuse her as she has no way of seeing the whole process as professional bookkeeping would. After her little prepared negative speech, she also is incapable of explaining anything.
I have no idea why we seem to reelect officers who have quit in a tiff when something did not go their way. We deserve better. We have qualified people who would do the job properly and professionally and work for the good of UCO and especially for the village itself. This village is such a wonderful place why are we allowing a few negative people to overtake our meetings and positions of power. We should be voting for people who are qualified to do the jobs and truly want the best for us.
I then matured somewhat and opened a checking and a savings account. I developed a yearly budget, divided it by 12 and deposited that amount of money each month. The only other account I had was for savings which came first and maybe the precious little extra I might have. This method worked much better. Ir was easy, secure, and much easier to use.
I think the current UCO treasurer is using the budget envelope type of book keeping. Her many different checking accounts seem to confuse her as she has no way of seeing the whole process as professional bookkeeping would. After her little prepared negative speech, she also is incapable of explaining anything.
I have no idea why we seem to reelect officers who have quit in a tiff when something did not go their way. We deserve better. We have qualified people who would do the job properly and professionally and work for the good of UCO and especially for the village itself. This village is such a wonderful place why are we allowing a few negative people to overtake our meetings and positions of power. We should be voting for people who are qualified to do the jobs and truly want the best for us.
Thank you
Thank you,
David, for being such a good president, in spite of the ignorant harassment
that you have been subjected to. Thank
you for being so on top of things and understanding them, that you can think on
your feet and are ready with an intelligent, educated response to some of the
foolish accusations. Thank you for
proposing the solution to paying for the Bath/Borden fix that our treasurer
just glossed over and went for proposing an expensive mortgage. Its too bad that she does not understand
professional business accounting. Everybody in this village will benefit from
your Presidency.
I would very
much like to make a motion that the person who has caused us all the added
permit expense be required to pay for these extra permits. He continually puts down the paving which has
been inspected and declared an excellent job.
He wants you to fall on your sword which is the ultimate hate
speech. I do not think that this group
approves of anything that UCO has ever done.
When they get their turn at bat, I hope they are subjected to the same
negative harassment.
Permit fees are a comin'
Ms. Tetro spoke of the coming Permit fees for the “re-opening” of Phase II, UCO office, and the additional OPENING of a permit (where none was previously required) for the walk-way that was repaved first, and the WPRF Hastings Pool area.
All of this was pursued by one who accused UCO of entering into a Paving contract without Delegate Assembly approval. Let's not forget that “RESERVES” are (for Condominium Associations) SPENT money! Why else would we have spoken for ten (10) years about placing Money into a Paving fund, unless we expected to spend it at some time. Even before the contract was signed, the Delegate Assembly was clearly aware of the Engineers report to begin the project immediately due to conditions in the Phase I area. Of course the Delegate Assembly did agree that all future expenditures should be explained at the presentation of the budget, and that is being adhered to.
However, when does UCO owe money for the one who complained, gave records of the four (4) paving projects, to the permit office that now causes all of us to PAY procurement and permit fees. The one did not elicit approval from anybody and is the only one responsible for these additional cost, that might have been mitigated if only the one asked for a meeting with officers and established the mandatory approval through the Officers, Executive Board and finally the Delegate Assembly.
Accordingly, should we have a motion that the one pay for the increased costs associated for this costly error in procedure, especially since he is so very concerned about the budget eight (8) months after the Delegate Assembly approved it. He never attended any meetings of the finance committee, but feels it within his personal capacity to spend our money without regard to the budget consequences.
If we pay this, we will have endorsed this process where anyone may create non-budgeted expenses for which we would be responsible. Would anyone expect to repair their auto, damaged in an accident, and then expect the insurance company to pay the claim without participating in review of the damages first. Why should the one.
All of this was pursued by one who accused UCO of entering into a Paving contract without Delegate Assembly approval. Let's not forget that “RESERVES” are (for Condominium Associations) SPENT money! Why else would we have spoken for ten (10) years about placing Money into a Paving fund, unless we expected to spend it at some time. Even before the contract was signed, the Delegate Assembly was clearly aware of the Engineers report to begin the project immediately due to conditions in the Phase I area. Of course the Delegate Assembly did agree that all future expenditures should be explained at the presentation of the budget, and that is being adhered to.
However, when does UCO owe money for the one who complained, gave records of the four (4) paving projects, to the permit office that now causes all of us to PAY procurement and permit fees. The one did not elicit approval from anybody and is the only one responsible for these additional cost, that might have been mitigated if only the one asked for a meeting with officers and established the mandatory approval through the Officers, Executive Board and finally the Delegate Assembly.
Accordingly, should we have a motion that the one pay for the increased costs associated for this costly error in procedure, especially since he is so very concerned about the budget eight (8) months after the Delegate Assembly approved it. He never attended any meetings of the finance committee, but feels it within his personal capacity to spend our money without regard to the budget consequences.
If we pay this, we will have endorsed this process where anyone may create non-budgeted expenses for which we would be responsible. Would anyone expect to repair their auto, damaged in an accident, and then expect the insurance company to pay the claim without participating in review of the damages first. Why should the one.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
VIDEOGRAPHY.....Laurent.....W.P.R.F., Inc.
UPLOAD TO BLOGGER.....Dave Israel.....UCO
It's a team effort, join our Geek Squad
I have uploaded an interesting Declaratory Statement to the Cloud which is of importance to every Association Board Member and Unit Owner. It addresses the key issues of who is responsible for payment of certain Insurance casualties, when the damage is below the deductible, or no funds are available to make payment. The Declatory Statement may be read at the following link:
This document may also be accessed from the sidebar under core documents.
Dave Israel
Friday, July 6, 2012
Phrase of the day - Political Kabuki
An extremely stylized political show where the roles of the
actors are as predefined as the outcome, the result
being, even under the most extreme circumstances, only barely (if at all)
recognizable as what can be considered reasonable discourse amongst educated men
and women interested in the public good.
Once again, as in previous months, many Delegates fled the Assembly in what appeared to be utter frustration with the activities of a few malcontents. In a prepared written speech, our Treasurer recited an often told mantra about how UCO had no funds to pay for much needed repairs of a washout of the road at Bath and Borden streets; neither, according to the Treasurer can we make the final payment to the escrow account established for moneys owed to M&M paving, already overdue!
Our Treasurer had the incredible nerve to suggest choices such as; we take out a totally unacceptable line of credit, or worse apply for a mortgage on the UCO building. One individual read a laundry list of so called malfeasances committed by the UCO President, another attendee actually suggested that we sell the UCO building and move UCO into the Clubhouse, as if over 4000 square feet of space was actually available in the facility.
All in all the entire play was worthy of a Broadway satirical review; if only it was not so deliberately destructive to civil conduct of a business meeting between the Officers of UCO and the UCO Board of Directors! Be sure to catch the video which will soon be Posted to Channel 63 and this BLOG.
Meanwhile, in a brief interlude of reason, the UCO President demonstrated that simple arithmetic projection of Budget line items, clearly showed surpluses could readily be extracted from various lines totaling over $250,000.00., which our Treasurer agreed could be done, but such an approach would not comport with her "philosophy" of handling money.
Well, this is not a matter of philosophy, it's a simple matter of numbers!
so once again I say to our delegates:
1) Do not let those who wish to massively escalate our 2013 budget coupon get away with it, it is totally unnecessary, and from my point of view, dead on arrival!
2) The Delegate Assembly is the UCO Board of Directors, Board members (Delegates) must not permit a few malcontents to chase them away and bring UCO Operations to a halt; please remember these performances when you are called to sign a Petition of Recall, as they try to accomplish Administratively what they could not accomplish in the March election
Dave Israel
United Civic Organization
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Fish Kill II
Re post below, UCO is investigating the fish kill. Good ideas Samson. I have never caught one like these, are they carp? Mostly 2”, largest I saw was 8”. Ibis and wood storks pick them up to show off but do not eat them. Passersby notice water is really stinky, stained brown and slimy. I hope Fish & Wildlife will have an answer soon.
Century Village Fish Kill
Has anyone noticed the hundreds of fish that are lying dead on the banks of our Century Village Lakes? I know this phenomenon takes place in the winter when water temperatures drop quickly and the fish cannot adjust to the cold but I have never seen it happen during the summer months.
I may be wrong but I was thinking that the spray that is used once a month by WPRF to kill vegetation may somehow be linked to this fish kill by removing oxygen from the water while it kills the grass in the lake. I know for sure that the spray has definitely changed the color and quality of the water from clear to dark brown but am not sure if it is also killing the fish at the same time. After all DDT and Agent Orange were supposed to be safe also. There are many other lakes in this area that are not fed by streams or have any natural runoff to a canal, and the water in those lakes are crystal clear.
I was just wondering if maybe we should not be using man made chemicals to treat our lake but instead use natural defenses to keep the grass down such as sterile carp which had been used here many years ago and did a wonderful job to defoliate the shore lines and at the same time keep our lakes beautiful and pristine.
Any ideas about keeping our lakes healthy would really be helpful especially if they reach the people who are making the decisions for all of us.
I may be wrong but I was thinking that the spray that is used once a month by WPRF to kill vegetation may somehow be linked to this fish kill by removing oxygen from the water while it kills the grass in the lake. I know for sure that the spray has definitely changed the color and quality of the water from clear to dark brown but am not sure if it is also killing the fish at the same time. After all DDT and Agent Orange were supposed to be safe also. There are many other lakes in this area that are not fed by streams or have any natural runoff to a canal, and the water in those lakes are crystal clear.
I was just wondering if maybe we should not be using man made chemicals to treat our lake but instead use natural defenses to keep the grass down such as sterile carp which had been used here many years ago and did a wonderful job to defoliate the shore lines and at the same time keep our lakes beautiful and pristine.
Any ideas about keeping our lakes healthy would really be helpful especially if they reach the people who are making the decisions for all of us.
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