Friday, April 27, 2012
Tree Trimming
Tree Trimming, while they are trimming the trees in C.V. are they going to trim the trees along Haverhill on the inside of CV? If you are in the right lane going north the trees will get you. Also if you go to the end of the road and go left all the trees along there are hanging over the road there too. I do not know the names of the streets, but if you drive along there you will see what I mean. I hope someone will have the answer.
Sussex is Delightful
We have had the first sign for years, Sussex is heaven, Northampton (sorry). The second sign is fairly recent I think, will it be there until there is a new UCO budget and a year to implement!
New VP take a look please. TIA
New VP take a look please. TIA
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Take the "Pool Tour!"
I did it! Today I visited all six pools available to Century
Village residents. Thanks to the information Elaine provided on the blog, I
took out my CV map and plotted my course. First, I visited Southhampton. A
couple of gals there told me they adored the pool there, it was heated and very
comfortable. Although they were owners in season and leaving soon, the
convenience for them was very desirable. Next, on to Somerset… apparently the
party pool. (Sorry gals, the secret is out!) This pool was also very
comfortable, although not heated, and the gals very friendly. (Note: Yes, the
Sarasota Costco will be opening in August 2012!) Many associations sign up to
use this pool and its overhead covered deck for neighborly parties. My next
stop was Dorchester. Beautifully laid out, I’m told it was recently redone. Great
job. Also not heated, but surprisingly warm . Nice folks at that pool too! On
to Kent, where there were plenty of deck space and plenty of nearby parking.
Wide open and lots of sun if that’s what you’re looking for. Finally… Camden.
This pool had the most visitors (due to the clubhouse pool temporarily closed.)
I met some Wellington residents there who were simply delightful, and gave me
an education about Century Village doings. I would have loved to take their
picture and post it here, but I still have to learn how to do that. The Camden
pool was the largest. I had to park in one of those “designated building “I”
spots, due to the crowd, but there were enough spots to go around and I don’t
think I inconvenienced anyone. At least I hope not.
My day ended at Hastings, which is as close to my building
as the clubhouse pool is. This pool often has many residents, but you can still
always find a spot to relax after exercising at the fitness center. Overall, my
“day at the pools” was spent chatting up year-round residents, seasonals, and
visitors who all entertained me with their stories and certainly, above all
else, their welcoming attitude and friendliness. So… if you are interested, take
the “pool tour” and check them all out. You will be amazed at the cleanliness
and upkeep… and will surely feel that your maintenance fees are well spent.
expenditures of condo ass
i wonder does the oficer o the condo have free reign on how to spend the ass .money.. seems like there should bw some check or balnce on items..say ones over 250 or so what he or she considers important may not be by other not :talking about minor items..what do u think??
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
United Civic Organization:
April 25, 2012
For Immediate Release MA12-46
Contact: Crime Stoppers 1-800-458-TIPS
Text to:
Email to:
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a Burglary to a Business
On Wednesday, April 25, 2012, just after 5:00 am, deputies responded to an alarm call at the Sunoco Gas Station located at 1009 N. State Road 7, Royal Palm Beach. Upon arrival, they observed the front window shattered with what appeared to be a vehicle. Further investigation determined extensive damage inside the business and the ATM machine missing.
A short time later, road patrol deputies were advised that a vehicle matching the description of the vehicle used in the burglary was driving in a wooded area near Sansbury Way and Okeechobee Blvd. When deputies arrived they found the vehicle partially submerged in a retention pond and the suspects gone. A perimeter was immediately set up. The entire wooded area and the areas surrounding were searched with negative results.
We believe three suspects were involved. They were masked and wearing dark clothing.
If anyone knows anything about this burglary they are urged to contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-458-TIPS.
Dave Israel
May I swim in your pool?
I read, with interest, the letter from Ray Stoeker in the May issue of the UCO Reporter. He was uncomfortable after being (shunned) from the Wellington pool with his vacationing family. As a fairly new resident here in Century Village, can someone post what pools everyone can enjoy, and which ones are "residents pay extra" for? I would like not to re-live Ray's experience, that's for sure. Especially since I find my neighbors I've met so far to be so helpful and friendly. Thanks so much for the information! Deb Geller
On behalf of the "OWLS" (OLDER-WISER-LOYAL-SENIORS) and with
permission of Maryanne, I am posting this notice.
Please be advised we will CLOSE OUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2012, at the
NEXT meeting, which will be held MONDAY, MAY 14TH @3pm in the
CLUBHOUSE Partyroom.
will take place on SUNDAY, MAY 20TH. The BUS will leave from
WELLS FARGO BANK, @ 4pm, returning @ llpm.
permission of Maryanne, I am posting this notice.
Please be advised we will CLOSE OUR MEMBERSHIP FOR 2012, at the
NEXT meeting, which will be held MONDAY, MAY 14TH @3pm in the
CLUBHOUSE Partyroom.
will take place on SUNDAY, MAY 20TH. The BUS will leave from
WELLS FARGO BANK, @ 4pm, returning @ llpm.
Due to the closure of the CH ( Thurs. & Fri) Karaoke will be held at the
UCO Authority?
I have briefly read the By Laws regarding the authority of UCO. It is my basic understanding that UCO was created as the collective bargaining entity for the overall repair, restoration and replacement of the common area elements contained within Century Village. UCO is a not for profit corporation that most certainly benefits all the homeowners in our little corner of the world. My mother recently volunteered to fill a vacancy on our board. She claims that UCO can reject the sale of a unit within our community. My interpretation of our governing documents is that our board can restrict who can occupy our units. I’m not sure if we can restrict the actual sale of a unit based on Federal Law. Perhaps someone more familiar with the associations governing doc’s, Florida statutes and Federal law can give me guidance regarding this matter?
Our governing documents are outdated. I would also be curious as to the cost to update the documents if the “collective” associations were unanimous in their belief that an update is not only warranted but is a necessity given the various changes in the laws that govern Condo associations over the years.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Tuskeegee Airmen: Presented by the Veterans Speakers Forum at the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach
Everyone at Century Village is invited to join us at the Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach (formerly the West Palm Beach Public Library) for a special program presented by World War II veteran Corporal Burt Richards, founder of the Veterans Speakers Forum. Corporal Richards and Lieutenant Col. Richard Hall will discuss the history of the exciting Tuskegee Airmen. The Tuskegee Airmen were the first African- American aviators to serve with the Army Air Force in World War II. The presentation will include a film documentary highlighting interviews with the actual fighter pilots and heroes who fought. Corporal Richards states, "Never mind the Hollywood films. We have the real pilots, not actors."
Corporal Richards was awarded the American Red Cross Community Courage Award and spearheaded the campaign to close Palm Beach County schools in remembrance of Veterans Day. All are welcome to attend this free, educational program. The event will be held in the library's Auditorium, 3rd floor. For more information call the library at 561-868-7701 or visit
Date: Friday, May 18, 2012
Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm
Location: Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach
411 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Cost: Free
Phone: 561-868-7701
Corporal Richards was awarded the American Red Cross Community Courage Award and spearheaded the campaign to close Palm Beach County schools in remembrance of Veterans Day. All are welcome to attend this free, educational program. The event will be held in the library's Auditorium, 3rd floor. For more information call the library at 561-868-7701 or visit
Date: Friday, May 18, 2012
Time: 1:00pm-2:00pm
Location: Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach
411 Clematis Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Cost: Free
Phone: 561-868-7701
Monday, April 23, 2012
Bylaw revision
We have a bylaw revision we want to get registered at city hall.
UCO used to assist with this process. Does it still???
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Turtle Time
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
This Lien was filed by the Paving contractors in order to "secure their rights" to payment in full.
UCO met with the contractor today, April 19, 2012 to discuss this Lien.
All unit owners be aware that contractually required installments are being paid in a timely fashion.
UCO has requested documentation of all charges from M&M.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Very Interesting Bucket
Microsoft Phishing Scam
Hi David and fellow bloggers,
well my husband and I almost fell for this scam. We received a call from a man with a strong Indian accent claiming to be from Microsoft. he told us our computer had come up as infected and we need to fix it. he gave us a code that would allow me to connect with a Microsoft Tech. to clean up the problems.
We were suspicious, so he took us to another site and said to prove we are from Microsoft I will tell you your licence number, he did and it was correct, further trying to convince us he was legit!!! He was very, very convincing.
A friend said get out quickly, she had read about this on line. My son called Microsoft. They said they NEVER; NEVER call people with this type of stuff.
So BEWARE, they are calling and sound VERY,VERY real.
David, I am amazed they new so much about us.. We did a malware scan and a system restore and everything seems ok.
well my husband and I almost fell for this scam. We received a call from a man with a strong Indian accent claiming to be from Microsoft. he told us our computer had come up as infected and we need to fix it. he gave us a code that would allow me to connect with a Microsoft Tech. to clean up the problems.
We were suspicious, so he took us to another site and said to prove we are from Microsoft I will tell you your licence number, he did and it was correct, further trying to convince us he was legit!!! He was very, very convincing.
A friend said get out quickly, she had read about this on line. My son called Microsoft. They said they NEVER; NEVER call people with this type of stuff.
So BEWARE, they are calling and sound VERY,VERY real.
David, I am amazed they new so much about us.. We did a malware scan and a system restore and everything seems ok.
Hi all,
Thanks to the UCO Reporter Team, the May edition of the UCO Reporter is live in Cyberspace, simply follow the link:
Also accessible from the sidebar along with many other editions.
Dave Israel
Thanks to the UCO Reporter Team, the May edition of the UCO Reporter is live in Cyberspace, simply follow the link:
Also accessible from the sidebar along with many other editions.
Dave Israel
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Man in Lake
This morning around 10:30 I started up my car and was getting ready to leave. It's always my habit to look out on the lake where the clubhouse is. I always enjoy the view. I couldn't believe my eyes because there was a man standing in the water. I thought I was seeing things. I was horrified. When my husband came out of the house, I told him about the man in the water. He called out to him to get out of the water and also told him there are alligators. He told my husband that he was born in Florida and to mind his business. There was a lot of profound language back and forth. That took a lot of nerve on this man's part because my husband was only concerned for his welfare.
I know there is a rule not to bathe or stand in the water. Besides, if anything happened to him and another person tried to help him and got hurt, it would have been a disaster. I know now this man is probably mentally disturbed. You have to be crazy to go into the lake water.
Security should check out the picnic grounds by the clubhouse.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Who is responsible for painting / repairing bus stop benches on back roads? Some are on association property and some not!
C'mon Man!
The Royal Canadian Mint is in the news after revealing plans for a glow-in-the-dark quarter featuring an illuminated dinosaur skeleton.
The Royal Canadian Mint is in the news after revealing plans for a glow-in-the-dark quarter featuring an illuminated dinosaur skeleton.
When exposed to light, the quarter looks fairly ordinary, featuring the image of Queen Elizabeth on one side and an image of a dinosaur on the other. But take away the light and the quarter produces its own bright display, as the full-image of the Pachyrhinosaurus lakustai is replaced by a glowing visage of its skeleton. The 26-foot dinosaur was discovered in Canada in 1972.
Though as CNET reports, the image of Queen Elizabeth does not glow in the dark.
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
One More CV Yard Sale
do not know what time ! ?
S Goldstein
Monday, April 9, 2012
Going, going ...
Looking for Members of the Country Western Club
I recently heard of the Country Western Club in CV and it's sounds like fun! I gather the club has ceased its functions for the season so it has been difficult to get any information. As I understand it, it mainly hosts dances and the music is mainly 'old country' - is that correct? Would appreciate any response from anyone or perhaps direct me to a website describing the club.
Regarding 'country music', I play guitar and sing - mainly old country music - Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Charlie Pride, Don Williams, Don Gibson, etc and also some Bluegrass and old Rock & Roll. I haven't yet found anyone in CV who plays (guitar, fiddle, banjo, mandolin, etc.) & sings and am looking for anyone who would like to have 'jam sessions'. If you do, let me know.
Who knows - maybe we could sing for the Country Western Club as well!!!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
This is amazing. There are two parts. Be
sure to read the 2nd part (in RED).Thomas
Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and
never stopped.At 5,
began studying under his cousin's tutor.At 9,
studied Latin, Greek and French.At 14,
studied classical literature and additional languages.At 16,
entered the College of William and Mary.At 19,
studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.At 23,
started his own law practice.At 25,
was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.At 31,
wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America â€
and retired from his law practice.At 32,
was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.At 33,
wrote the Declaration of Independence .At 33,
took three years to revise Virginia ’s legal code and wrote a Public Education
bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.At 36,
was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick
Henry.At 40,
served in Congress for two years.At 41,
was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with
European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.At 46,
served as the first Secretary of State under George
Washington.At 53,
served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical
Society.At 55,
drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican
Party.At 57,
was elected the third president of the United States .At 60,
obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.At 61,
was elected to a second term as President.At 65,
retired to Monticello .At 80,
helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.At 81,
almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its
first president.At 83,
died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
along with John AdamsThomas
Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at
government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the
nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today.
Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the
future:John F.
Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in
the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly
of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the
exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.""When
we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as
corrupt as Europe ." -- Thomas Jefferson"The
democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to
work and give to those who would not."--
Thomas Jefferson"It is
incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which
if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."--
Thomas Jefferson"I
predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from
wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." --
Thomas Jefferson"My
reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much
government." -- Thomas Jefferson"No
free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas
strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as
a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
Thomas Jefferson"The
tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots
and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson"To
compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."--
Thomas JeffersonThomas
Jefferson said in 1802:"I
believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than
standing armies.If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will
deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on
the continent their fathers conquered."I wish we could get this out to
This is amazing. There are two parts. Be
sure to read the 2nd part (in RED).Thomas
Jefferson was a very remarkable man who started learning very early in life and
never stopped.At 5,
began studying under his cousin's tutor.At 9,
studied Latin, Greek and French.At 14,
studied classical literature and additional languages.At 16,
entered the College of William and Mary.At 19,
studied Law for 5 years starting under George Wythe.At 23,
started his own law practice.At 25,
was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses.At 31,
wrote the widely circulated "Summary View of the Rights of British America â€
and retired from his law practice.At 32,
was a Delegate to the Second Continental Congress.At 33,
wrote the Declaration of Independence .At 33,
took three years to revise Virginia ’s legal code and wrote a Public Education
bill and a statute for Religious Freedom.At 36,
was elected the second Governor of Virginia succeeding Patrick
Henry.At 40,
served in Congress for two years.At 41,
was the American minister to France and negotiated commercial treaties with
European nations along with Ben Franklin and John Adams.At 46,
served as the first Secretary of State under George
Washington.At 53,
served as Vice President and was elected president of the American Philosophical
Society.At 55,
drafted the Kentucky Resolutions and became the active head of Republican
Party.At 57,
was elected the third president of the United States .At 60,
obtained the Louisiana Purchase doubling the nation's size.At 61,
was elected to a second term as President.At 65,
retired to Monticello .At 80,
helped President Monroe shape the Monroe Doctrine.At 81,
almost single-handedly created the University of Virginia and served as its
first president.At 83,
died on the 50th anniversary of the Signing of the Declaration of Independence
along with John AdamsThomas
Jefferson knew because he himself studied the previous failed attempts at
government. He understood actual history, the nature of God, his laws and the
nature of man. That happens to be way more than what most understand today.
Jefferson really knew his stuff. A voice from the past to lead us in the
future:John F.
Kennedy held a dinner in the white House for a group of the brightest minds in
the nation at that time. He made this statement: "This is perhaps the assembly
of the most intelligence ever to gather at one time in the White House with the
exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.""When
we get piled upon one another in large cities, as in Europe, we shall become as
corrupt as Europe ." -- Thomas Jefferson"The
democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to
work and give to those who would not."--
Thomas Jefferson"It is
incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which
if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."--
Thomas Jefferson"I
predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from
wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." --
Thomas Jefferson"My
reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much
government." -- Thomas Jefferson"No
free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas
strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as
a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in
Thomas Jefferson"The
tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots
and tyrants." -- Thomas Jefferson"To
compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."--
Thomas JeffersonThomas
Jefferson said in 1802:"I
believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than
standing armies.If the American people ever allow private
banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will
deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on
the continent their fathers conquered."I wish we could get this out to
Friday, April 6, 2012
Vial of Life, info for emergencies
Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, in cooperation with the American Red Cross Palm Beach Chapter and the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office, has developed and funded the Vial of Life Program.
This program was established to offer citizens the opportunity to compile important health, medical, insurance and emergency contact information. Fire Rescue and Law Enforcement personnel can use this data in the event of an emergency when a patient or victim is unable to speak and answer important questions that can have a significant affect on medical treatment.
The Vial of Life packet is a two-sided piece of paper that should be completed for each family member. The completed form(s) are to be placed in the plastic pouch provided and attached to the refrigerator so it is accessible to emergency responders. It is vital that this information be kept updated as physicians and medications change.If you get the official package it comes with stickers for your window and car, so emergency personnel know to check the refrigerator or the glove box. Fire Dept Programs
Printable Vial of Life Form, the print instruction is at the far bottom of form.
Hi all,
The UCO I.T. team is pleased to announce that the video of the April 6, 2012 Delegate Assembly is now live in Cyberspace. Follow the link:
You may also access todays video along with many others via the sidebar links.
Dave Israel
Hi all,
The UCO I.T. team is pleased to announce that the video of the April 6, 2012 Delegate Assembly is now live in Cyberspace. Follow the link:
You may also access todays video along with many others via the sidebar links.
Dave Israel
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Sale of a condo
Hi to all,
A buyer has put in a bid for a condo and is in the process of purchasing a condo in our building. We would like to know if there are any rules or documents available that requires the board or the real estate agent to post a notice on the bulletin board for all residents to see. Also does a resident or the association have the first choice to buy that condo at the same price of the interested party. Thank you all.
A buyer has put in a bid for a condo and is in the process of purchasing a condo in our building. We would like to know if there are any rules or documents available that requires the board or the real estate agent to post a notice on the bulletin board for all residents to see. Also does a resident or the association have the first choice to buy that condo at the same price of the interested party. Thank you all.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Don't forget Congressman Allen West on Wednesday.
Bring a pen to write your question on cards that will be handed out.
Dave Israel
Monday, April 2, 2012
DATE: MAY 9, 2012
TIME: 9:30am - 11:30am
Phyllis Richland
Sunday, April 1, 2012
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