I "intimated if we did not like our community, we could leave the country"? I don't know what you were reading, but no where did I say anything about leaving the country, however, if that is your mindset, by all means, feel free....
Love it or leave it? I did not say that either, and I do not imply that you are saying I did, but do I feel that way? In a sense, I do. I am not saying you should leave, but rather that if you don't like what goes on around you, you have the OPTION, as an American, to move anywhere you choose.
Olga, I take offense to the implication that I think of anyone as inferior, thereby labeling me as some type of racist. As a minority myself, I take a little extra offense.
I made a suggestion, that if you want to fight about something, join the NAACP or the JDL, both good organizations that do a lot of good for civil rights Of course you failed to mention fighting for the Heroes returning from Iraq and Afghanistan... but from your blog, I can only assume that you have very little respect for the military. I spent the better part of my life defending your right to go and protest. One conflict to take down a dictator in Panama, and another defending another country being over run by another. All in all, twenty years defending our country. What did you do? oh, that's right, you "protested".
Viet Nam, mistake or not, was people in the military doing their duty, with honor. Only to come back to a bunch of cowards spitting on them. Were you also spitting Olga?
Nor did you mention my suggestion to do something constructive.
Now, I suggest that you take out your Webster Dictionary and look up the word democracy. Just in case you don't have one, I provided it for you:
Definition of DEMOCRACY (taken from Webster's Dictionary)
a : government by the people; especially : rule of the majority
b : a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
: a political unit that has a democratic government
capitalized : the principles and policies of the Democratic party in the United States <from emancipation Republicanism to New Deal Democracy — C. M. Roberts>
: the common people especially when constituting the source of political authority
NO WHERE in that definition does it say "democracy IS dissent". Your version of what I wrote is apparently just your distorted version of what you wanted to see. I actually had a few people read what I wrote, followed with your reply and they all came to the same conclusion... "what was she reading?"