At yesterday's Executive Board meeting it was announced that in a couple of weeks Channel 63 will show host David Saxon interviewing Dom Guarnagia, our Maintenance Committee chairman, in two sessions. Dom will be explaining the relatively simple and inexpensive measures our condo homeowners can take to prevent water leaks that can cause thousands of dollars in damage, not to mention produce insurance nightmares. I have two suggestions concerning this, which may already be being addressed, but in case not, I thought I would put them on the blog.
1. If I am typical, our residents turn on channel 63 only once in a while: when we think of it and when we want to find out something in particular such as the date of a meeting. It is thus easy for me to miss something of importance. I would suggest that something of importance or special interest such as the interview sessions with Dom get ADVANCE BILLING so residents will know these are coming up and when.
2. By the same token, I think, when it is appropriate, that these "specials" could be repeated, especially when the first run has been in the summer. Our snowbirds need to hear what Dom had to say. Perhaps the two interviews (again given advance billing) could be repeated in January or February.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Why You Shouldn;t Be Late For A Meeting
Yesterday at the executive board meeting we discussed the outlay we would need to get legal advice to go forward with our ONE VOTE PER UNIT campaign.
We needed approval for about $2000.00. Because one of our supporters was late for the meeting the vote was 12 for and 13 against. Now we need to take this to the Delegates on Friday with the statement that the vote did not pass the executive board.
Had the vote split even the president could have voted to break the tie. What a difference that would have been. Hundreds of hours have been spent trying to get this to pass so that every unit owner would have a voice in our elections and not have a few make the decision for the many.
I hope on Friday that the delegates will take a real hard look at this and ask the questions that will answer informatively any doubts they have.
We needed approval for about $2000.00. Because one of our supporters was late for the meeting the vote was 12 for and 13 against. Now we need to take this to the Delegates on Friday with the statement that the vote did not pass the executive board.
Had the vote split even the president could have voted to break the tie. What a difference that would have been. Hundreds of hours have been spent trying to get this to pass so that every unit owner would have a voice in our elections and not have a few make the decision for the many.
I hope on Friday that the delegates will take a real hard look at this and ask the questions that will answer informatively any doubts they have.
Lion Country Safari's New Neighbors
Click the title to read more: When I was a kid, I saw Lion Country Safari. I remember being told to keep the windows shut as the car went through uncaged animal territory. Now I hear the park will have suburban homes as neighbors. Of course, these homes will have to have lion-proof glass and safe passage from the living room to the garage.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Hi all,
The following extract from Florida Statutes is dispositive as regards Political advertising signs:
FS 106.1435 Usage and removal of political campaign advertisements.
—(1) Each candidate, whether for a federal, state, county, or district office, shall make a good faith effort to remove all of his or her political campaign advertisements within 30 days after:
(a)Withdrawal of his or her candidacy;
(b)Having been eliminated as a candidate; or
(c)Being elected to office..........
UCO will look into getting rid of them!
Dave Israel
The following extract from Florida Statutes is dispositive as regards Political advertising signs:
FS 106.1435 Usage and removal of political campaign advertisements.
—(1) Each candidate, whether for a federal, state, county, or district office, shall make a good faith effort to remove all of his or her political campaign advertisements within 30 days after:
(a)Withdrawal of his or her candidacy;
(b)Having been eliminated as a candidate; or
(c)Being elected to office..........
UCO will look into getting rid of them!
Dave Israel
In the past when the green light would change to red the right lane would see
a green arrow to turn right on Haverhill as the cars on Haverhill are turning
left into CV. Today I noticed that there is no longer the green arrow. It has
disappeared. WHY???
a green arrow to turn right on Haverhill as the cars on Haverhill are turning
left into CV. Today I noticed that there is no longer the green arrow. It has
disappeared. WHY???
Old Campaign Signs
Not to start a ruckus, but can we remove the old campaign signs littering the Haverhill Gate? I will be happy to go by on Monday to do this, as long as a competent UCO authority says ok.
Power Outages
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Needed: a microwave oven
Dear fellow bloggers,
Except for the Oreo cookies in our refrigerator, we lead a pretty spartan existence at the UCO Reporter office and seldom ask for much. We would like very much to upgrade in one respect, however, and ask if any of you could help. We would like a MICROWAVE OVEN. We were recently given a very nice toaster oven by Phyllis Richland, and we thank her very much for this, but we could also use a microwave.
We could use a microwave for a number of things, as you can well imagine, but my own immediate desire for one is so I can reheat my morning coffee. When I go to the shop (I really prefer to call our quarters "the shop”) I usually get a cup of instant coffee for Syd and myself. I like mine real hot. We both use the little creamers. Syd keeps a supply in his desk drawer; I get mine from the refrigerator, where the Oreos are kept. I drink my coffee very slowly and need it reheated in about a half hour. A microwave would really help.
We’re not fussy folks at the shop, and almost any kind of microwave would do. It can be small; it can certainly be second-hand. Can anyone help?
Lanny Howe
Except for the Oreo cookies in our refrigerator, we lead a pretty spartan existence at the UCO Reporter office and seldom ask for much. We would like very much to upgrade in one respect, however, and ask if any of you could help. We would like a MICROWAVE OVEN. We were recently given a very nice toaster oven by Phyllis Richland, and we thank her very much for this, but we could also use a microwave.
We could use a microwave for a number of things, as you can well imagine, but my own immediate desire for one is so I can reheat my morning coffee. When I go to the shop (I really prefer to call our quarters "the shop”) I usually get a cup of instant coffee for Syd and myself. I like mine real hot. We both use the little creamers. Syd keeps a supply in his desk drawer; I get mine from the refrigerator, where the Oreos are kept. I drink my coffee very slowly and need it reheated in about a half hour. A microwave would really help.
We’re not fussy folks at the shop, and almost any kind of microwave would do. It can be small; it can certainly be second-hand. Can anyone help?
Lanny Howe
Baron Alexander von Schleswig-Holstein of lower Silesia and Cisalpine Gaul; seen recently with our own Duchess Hortense Le Titfly, née Thurn Und Taxis, of The Carolynskya region of Alsace Lorraine. The elegant couple, tripping the light fantastic at a grand gala hosted by “The Donald” at Mar-a-Lago!
Are there nuptials on the horizon? Only time will tell!
The Blogmeister
Friday, August 27, 2010
land lease?
my eyes are blurry from reading and attempting to deciper legalese; so, I will just ask and hope for a simple answer. Is CV a land lease complex? my assn prez says yes. A board member in neighboring assn says no. The ans is for a friend considering purchase down the road as he retires. Thank you one and all as usual.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Left click to enlarge
Above is a letter from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office thanking us for the donated school supplies that all of you, our unit owners, so generously provided.
Thanks so much to you all; and thanks to Phyllis Richland, UCO VP and to our local COP unit for coordinating this effort.
Dave Israel
Hi all,
Citizens Ins. Co. has decided to order re-inspections on many of their commercial buildings. We found out about this a few weeks ago. I called and was advised that this would be a check on the Mitigations inspections that were done previously. I advised them that we had just completed an almost complete inspection of the Village and was advised that it didn’t matter, they wished to re-inspect. I called our agency Plastridge and was advised that we weren’t alone—it was happening to others as well. Citizens was adamant, various associations were to be re-inspected.
The inspections we got were not bad, and now have to be redone, as part of their quality assessment program. If your association met standards before, there is no doubt they will meet them again. What I didn’t want was our residents being inconvenienced again. I pleaded our case, to no avail.
These new inspections will cost us nothing but time, for which I’m sorry. We will get copies of the new forms and they will be used to set the premiums for our property policy when it comes due in January. In the mean time, we have been able to help a large number of residents with the new forms we received.
Most insurance companies are using the forms to rate individual Homeowners’ policies and we have Emailed out about a third of the forms we received to individual agencies. There has been significant reduction in premium because we’ve had the Mitigation forms available. Many residents have taken advantage of this and if your Homeowners’ policy is due for renewal, don’t forget to tell your agents’ that you have a copy of the new form.
Content from Toni Salometo
Chair, UCO Insurance Comittee
Posted by Dave Israel
Citizens Ins. Co. has decided to order re-inspections on many of their commercial buildings. We found out about this a few weeks ago. I called and was advised that this would be a check on the Mitigations inspections that were done previously. I advised them that we had just completed an almost complete inspection of the Village and was advised that it didn’t matter, they wished to re-inspect. I called our agency Plastridge and was advised that we weren’t alone—it was happening to others as well. Citizens was adamant, various associations were to be re-inspected.
The inspections we got were not bad, and now have to be redone, as part of their quality assessment program. If your association met standards before, there is no doubt they will meet them again. What I didn’t want was our residents being inconvenienced again. I pleaded our case, to no avail.
These new inspections will cost us nothing but time, for which I’m sorry. We will get copies of the new forms and they will be used to set the premiums for our property policy when it comes due in January. In the mean time, we have been able to help a large number of residents with the new forms we received.
Most insurance companies are using the forms to rate individual Homeowners’ policies and we have Emailed out about a third of the forms we received to individual agencies. There has been significant reduction in premium because we’ve had the Mitigation forms available. Many residents have taken advantage of this and if your Homeowners’ policy is due for renewal, don’t forget to tell your agents’ that you have a copy of the new form.
Content from Toni Salometo
Chair, UCO Insurance Comittee
Posted by Dave Israel
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Blog It and Reap
Click the title: According to this article, Philadelphia is charging bloggers $300 as a license to blog, whether their blog pulls in money or not.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
New Mitigation Reports
I just received a call regarding my being available, again, for the re-inspection of my roof, in order to produce a new mitigation report. Apparently, the caller informed me that this is being re-done all over Florida. We paid for the first mitigation report, which is apparently not valid. Will there be an additional charge for this newly required inspection? Can anyone enlighten me, and other interested parties, as to whether an additional or separate charge will be levied, and why this is occuring? An officer of the builing MUST be present to sign the report.
Hi all,
Above you will see a scan in of a letter received by me at the UCO Office.
Amazingly, it is not signed, nor is there a return address; I wonder why!
Do any of you want to run for office in UCO; well, this is what you can expect
Dave Israel
Icky Subject - Important Information
August 24, 2010
I am reading a book about the sanitation systems of the world. Do you know that 2.6 billion people in this world have no access to any formal sanitation system. A another interesting fact is that the flushable toilet has had the biggest impact on life expectancy. It is considered that it has added 20-30 years to the average lifespan. Many of the formal sewage systems in the world are very old and it is a miracle that they are still working. Maintenance is a huge job that we all pretty much take for granted.
Our sewage system here in the village is quite new by comparison, however, it is in the 40 year old range and we should be concerned about out part in keeping it healthy. We often treat our toilets like garbage disposal systems and we flush things that should NEVER be flushed. I thought it would be good for all of us to be reminded of the things that SHOULD NEVER, NEVER be flushed down a toilet or poured down a drain.
Our fragile old sewer systems need some co-operation and help.
I am reading a book about the sanitation systems of the world. Do you know that 2.6 billion people in this world have no access to any formal sanitation system. A another interesting fact is that the flushable toilet has had the biggest impact on life expectancy. It is considered that it has added 20-30 years to the average lifespan. Many of the formal sewage systems in the world are very old and it is a miracle that they are still working. Maintenance is a huge job that we all pretty much take for granted.
Our sewage system here in the village is quite new by comparison, however, it is in the 40 year old range and we should be concerned about out part in keeping it healthy. We often treat our toilets like garbage disposal systems and we flush things that should NEVER be flushed. I thought it would be good for all of us to be reminded of the things that SHOULD NEVER, NEVER be flushed down a toilet or poured down a drain.
Our fragile old sewer systems need some co-operation and help.
Randall's Condo Corner
Hi folks,
It just occurred to me that if I place my column on this site after editing it myself, I just may be able to get constructive feedback from some of you (and possibly make changes prior to submission), and at the same time, since it's about a month before it will be published, there may be some benefit to be gleaned by publishing it on the Blog 1st. So I'm gonna give it a shot, and if it turns out that it isn't such a good idea, I'm sure I'll be informed of that as well.
Randall's Condo Corner
Adequate knowledge to properly administer the affairs of the condominium association is neither something obtained at birth, nor is it the product of common sense alone. The basics may only be learned by investing time in reading on the subject. From the outset, I highly recommend purchasing the 11th Edition of “The Condominium Concept”, by Peter M Dunbar, Esq., published by Pineapple Press, right here in Florida (as an administrative expense). It is a “must read” for every Board of Administration and for those unit owners that would also like to educate themselves on this subject. Over the years through interaction with Boards and owners alike, I have found that one of the most frequent causes of conflict between board members and between the Board and the unit owners, is that the rights and responsibilities of both parties need to be learned, as common sense is frequently not a sufficient or a legal guide for action or inaction. That being said, go to the bookstore or order the book over the Internet. Be certain to order the most recent publication, which is as I have stated above, is the 11th Edition.
Condominium Rental Amendment (Section 718.110(13), F.S.: Please be advised that I've accessed 5 separate legal websites and received five different interpretations of the 'expanded' Statutory Amendment. Additionally, even one of the largest Condominium Law firms in Florida dodged the very questionable 'plain meaning' of this amendment by simply stating how it read prior to and subsequent to the adoption of this amendment. Until the interpretation of this new language is tested, or a competent condominium attorney advises you in writing on this issue, it would be wise not to attempt to apply it to any new rental restrictions.
For example, one source referred to as 'relaxed' since it would only apply to amendments (recorded post July 1st, 2010) that restrict the rental term, or the number of times a unit can be rented in a given period of time. Yet, the statutory language of this section begins with “An amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units...”. In my experience, a blanket 'no rental policy' has (for at least thirty years) been considered an unreasonable restraint on the alienation of one's property, which is supported by many decades of case law. Has this changed? The Florida Legislature, in 2004, most definitely moved in the direction of considering rentals a vested property right, by basically stating that any (new) rental restriction would require the consent of a member for the member to be bound by the amendment, but it if such consent was withheld, it would become effective upon the sale of the unit. Without such consent, legal opinions support the idea that the unit owner would only be bound by the previous rental restriction.
Since October 1st, 2004 any amendment that placed a restriction on an owner's rights relating to renting or leasing of units ONLY APPLIED TO THOSE UNIT OWNERS WHO CONSENTED TO AMENDMENT AND TO THOSE OWNERS WHO PURCHSED THEIR UNITS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AMENDMENT. This original amendment (2004) to Florida Statute, Section 718.110(13) was originally misinterpreted by some who believed that rental application changes (a restriction of sorts) fell into this category, among other changes which did not restrict the actual right to rent. I originally believed that they attempted to simplify the amendment, by detailing what actually constituted a rental restriction. That is certainly different from 'relaxing' a restriction.
The newly adopted Statutory amendment reads as follows: “An amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units or altering the duration of the rental term or specifying or limiting the number of times unit owners are entitled to rent their units during a specified period applies only to unit owners who consent to the amendment and unit owners who acquire title to their units after the effective date of that amendment”. This of course only applies to amendments which were recorded after the statutory amendment took effect.
Condominium Official Records
Records not accessible to owner inspection are extended to include the following: E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contact information, and addresses of unit owners other than those provided to fulfill the association's notice requirements, and other personal identifying information of any person, excluding the person's name, unit designation, mailing address and property address.
An association is not responsible for the use or misuse of information provided in compliance with request for records inspection, unless the association discloses information that it has the duty not to disclose. For example, a specific unit which is delinquent in the payment of assessments, fines, fees, etc. cannot be posted by the Board or discussed at a meeting which may embarrass or harass such owner of the unit. This information is accessible by any owner who requests such information, and how they choose to use such information is not the responsibility of the association. Individual director liability for failure to maintain or destruction of official records is now limited to cases where there is intent to harm the association or one or more of the members.
Last year the act was amended to authorize civil penalties against anyone (individuals- i,e. board members, manager) that knowingly or intentionally defaced or destroyed accounting records or for knowingly or intentionally failing to create or maintain the accounting records. The civil penalties are now limited to the time period the records are required to be maintained. Such penalties are likewise not appropriate for failing to create or maintain these records unless there is a finding of intent to harm.
Elections and Director Eligibility:
The restrictions upon co-owners serving on the Board is relaxed to allow co-owners to serve where such co-owners own more than one (1) unit, or where there are not enough eligible candidates to fill the vacancies on the Board. Now this one is interesting, because it runs contrary to the original Staff Analysis of the 2008 legislative amendment which clearly stated that there is an inherent tendency for individuals with aligned financial interests to share common financial goals, provides an unfair voting leverage on Board votes, and inhibits robust discussion. I fail understand how owning multiple properties in an association would have a limiting effect on such expressed concerns.
The director delinquency restriction is expanded to include any person delinquent more than ninety (90) days in the payment of any monetary obligation to the association, including fines, fees, and regular or special assessments. Such persons are not eligible for board membership. If elected or appointed they must step down. The interim replacement must step down once the obligation is paid.
Removes the candidate certification requirement, and replaces it with a certification required from all directors within ninety (90) days of being elected. In other words, this form is no longer required to be submitted with a timely notice of intent for candidacy, but submitted by each newly elected or appointed director within a ninety (90) day period. It must affirm that he or she has read the association's governing documents, and that he or she will work to uphold these documents to the best of his or her ability, and faithfully discharge his or her fiduciary duty to the association and its members. In lieu of written certification, a director may submit a certificate of satisfactory completion of the educational curriculum from a provider approved by the Division. For whatever reason, the legislature failed to include the previous requirement or any reference to reading and understanding to one's best ability, Florida Statutes and applicable Rules (Florida Administrative Code). Removal of officers or board members whether for delinquency or certification requirements, whether right or wrong, lends itself to uncertainty as to the composition of the board from time to time.
A condominium association may now also suspend the voting rights of a member due to the non-payment of any monetary obligation due the association which is more than ninety (90) days delinquent.
Where the number of board seats expiring is greater than the number of candidates running for those seats, each board member whose term has expired is eligible for reappointment without standing for reelection. What if no member submits a timely notice of intent for candidacy... who does the reappointment? It used to be that the previous board stayed in place since no member or other eligible person sought candidacy. What if only one member submits his or her candidacy? On election day or at the next Organizational Meeting of the board, he or she may fill the remaining seats regardless of the fact that a quorum will not be present.
Directors who do not submit proper certification (within the ninety day period) are suspended from board service until they comply with the requirement, and the Board may appoint an interim replacement. This interim replacement must of course submit to the new certification/education requirements. The question begs, how long must the 'interim' board member wait before being considered a permanent member of the Board ???
Directors charged by information (which may refer to an accusation by anyone without real proof) or indictment for felony theft or embezzlement offense involving association funds must be removed from office until the end of the period of suspension or the end of the director's term whichever comes first. O.K. When a director steals money exceeding $400.00 it is a severe Grand Theft Offense (in Florida) which can be charged as a misdemeanor OR a felony. As far as “information”, what if the administrative expenses are unreasonable (including association payment one or all directors cell phones, or car expenses, including repairs, in traveling on association business) and such information is judged by whom, as sufficient for suspension. Is this embezzlement, or unreasonable use of Association funds? What if the information is “hearsay evidence” alone?
Condominium Financial Records
Small associations, those administrating fewer than seventy-five (75) units, may prepare a cash report, rather than a statutory financial report.
Remedies for Delinquencies
New self-help remedies include suspension of common element use rights and suspension of voting rights after a ninety (90) delinquency in assessments. WPRF owns most of the pools and is paid for the upkeep of those pools, and those few associations owning their own pools could attempt to tell a delinquent owner that their common element rights have been suspended. Who gets to pull the elderly person out of the pool? Does this include delinquencies prior to the effective date of this amendment (July 1st, 2010)? Most experts agree that it does. It is considered a continuing debt included in this period, are still due and owing, and therefore are a continuing obligation. The term “monetary obligation” is not defined, and therefore would not only include regular assessments, but late fees, attorney's fees, unpaid fines, dues, and special assessments which were due prior to the amendment. However, the suspension must be approved at a properly noticed Board meeting. Associations cannot suspend use of limited common elements, utility service, parking spaces, elevators, or impede access to or from the unit or the Village. Comcast thus far refuses to disconnect a unit from the system and are being paid by the associations as part of a bulk contract agreement, so what sense would it make to attempt to do so? Would such a disconnect offer the incentive to pay overdue assessments?
Attaching rents without court action could be helpful in some cases. The Board must send a letter to the unit owner (and should send one to the tenant as well), stating that until the accruing debt is paid, the association must receive the rent directly from the tenant to offset an unpaid monetary obligation.
A receipt is issued to the tenant from the association and is legally considered “rent paid by the lessee” and the landlord is required to honor it. The landlord can't evict a tenant on such basis, but if the tenant fails to pay the association, the association has the right to evict the tenant (and charge all expenses to the unit owner/landlord) and also has the right to suspend common use rights. Now, who do you think the tenant is going to pay? I like that one, but it has limited applicability to delinquent owners who have tenants in place. On a different note, unworthy of its own section, for units foreclosed on by the banks, forget the benefit of an increase in liability from 6 months to 12 months. The lesser of 1% or 12 months assessments in Century Village will always be the 1% of the original mortgage amount owed to the association by the bank. No benefit exists to this community with this change.
This article is by no means comprehensive, and many amendments are likely to be tested in court or by the “Division” regarding proper interpretation. No aspect of this article should be considered legal advice. An opinion by a competent condominium attorney should always be sought.
It just occurred to me that if I place my column on this site after editing it myself, I just may be able to get constructive feedback from some of you (and possibly make changes prior to submission), and at the same time, since it's about a month before it will be published, there may be some benefit to be gleaned by publishing it on the Blog 1st. So I'm gonna give it a shot, and if it turns out that it isn't such a good idea, I'm sure I'll be informed of that as well.
Randall's Condo Corner
Adequate knowledge to properly administer the affairs of the condominium association is neither something obtained at birth, nor is it the product of common sense alone. The basics may only be learned by investing time in reading on the subject. From the outset, I highly recommend purchasing the 11th Edition of “The Condominium Concept”, by Peter M Dunbar, Esq., published by Pineapple Press, right here in Florida (as an administrative expense). It is a “must read” for every Board of Administration and for those unit owners that would also like to educate themselves on this subject. Over the years through interaction with Boards and owners alike, I have found that one of the most frequent causes of conflict between board members and between the Board and the unit owners, is that the rights and responsibilities of both parties need to be learned, as common sense is frequently not a sufficient or a legal guide for action or inaction. That being said, go to the bookstore or order the book over the Internet. Be certain to order the most recent publication, which is as I have stated above, is the 11th Edition.
Condominium Rental Amendment (Section 718.110(13), F.S.: Please be advised that I've accessed 5 separate legal websites and received five different interpretations of the 'expanded' Statutory Amendment. Additionally, even one of the largest Condominium Law firms in Florida dodged the very questionable 'plain meaning' of this amendment by simply stating how it read prior to and subsequent to the adoption of this amendment. Until the interpretation of this new language is tested, or a competent condominium attorney advises you in writing on this issue, it would be wise not to attempt to apply it to any new rental restrictions.
For example, one source referred to as 'relaxed' since it would only apply to amendments (recorded post July 1st, 2010) that restrict the rental term, or the number of times a unit can be rented in a given period of time. Yet, the statutory language of this section begins with “An amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units...”. In my experience, a blanket 'no rental policy' has (for at least thirty years) been considered an unreasonable restraint on the alienation of one's property, which is supported by many decades of case law. Has this changed? The Florida Legislature, in 2004, most definitely moved in the direction of considering rentals a vested property right, by basically stating that any (new) rental restriction would require the consent of a member for the member to be bound by the amendment, but it if such consent was withheld, it would become effective upon the sale of the unit. Without such consent, legal opinions support the idea that the unit owner would only be bound by the previous rental restriction.
Since October 1st, 2004 any amendment that placed a restriction on an owner's rights relating to renting or leasing of units ONLY APPLIED TO THOSE UNIT OWNERS WHO CONSENTED TO AMENDMENT AND TO THOSE OWNERS WHO PURCHSED THEIR UNITS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE AMENDMENT. This original amendment (2004) to Florida Statute, Section 718.110(13) was originally misinterpreted by some who believed that rental application changes (a restriction of sorts) fell into this category, among other changes which did not restrict the actual right to rent. I originally believed that they attempted to simplify the amendment, by detailing what actually constituted a rental restriction. That is certainly different from 'relaxing' a restriction.
The newly adopted Statutory amendment reads as follows: “An amendment prohibiting unit owners from renting their units or altering the duration of the rental term or specifying or limiting the number of times unit owners are entitled to rent their units during a specified period applies only to unit owners who consent to the amendment and unit owners who acquire title to their units after the effective date of that amendment”. This of course only applies to amendments which were recorded after the statutory amendment took effect.
Condominium Official Records
Records not accessible to owner inspection are extended to include the following: E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contact information, and addresses of unit owners other than those provided to fulfill the association's notice requirements, and other personal identifying information of any person, excluding the person's name, unit designation, mailing address and property address.
An association is not responsible for the use or misuse of information provided in compliance with request for records inspection, unless the association discloses information that it has the duty not to disclose. For example, a specific unit which is delinquent in the payment of assessments, fines, fees, etc. cannot be posted by the Board or discussed at a meeting which may embarrass or harass such owner of the unit. This information is accessible by any owner who requests such information, and how they choose to use such information is not the responsibility of the association. Individual director liability for failure to maintain or destruction of official records is now limited to cases where there is intent to harm the association or one or more of the members.
Last year the act was amended to authorize civil penalties against anyone (individuals- i,e. board members, manager) that knowingly or intentionally defaced or destroyed accounting records or for knowingly or intentionally failing to create or maintain the accounting records. The civil penalties are now limited to the time period the records are required to be maintained. Such penalties are likewise not appropriate for failing to create or maintain these records unless there is a finding of intent to harm.
Elections and Director Eligibility:
The restrictions upon co-owners serving on the Board is relaxed to allow co-owners to serve where such co-owners own more than one (1) unit, or where there are not enough eligible candidates to fill the vacancies on the Board. Now this one is interesting, because it runs contrary to the original Staff Analysis of the 2008 legislative amendment which clearly stated that there is an inherent tendency for individuals with aligned financial interests to share common financial goals, provides an unfair voting leverage on Board votes, and inhibits robust discussion. I fail understand how owning multiple properties in an association would have a limiting effect on such expressed concerns.
The director delinquency restriction is expanded to include any person delinquent more than ninety (90) days in the payment of any monetary obligation to the association, including fines, fees, and regular or special assessments. Such persons are not eligible for board membership. If elected or appointed they must step down. The interim replacement must step down once the obligation is paid.
Removes the candidate certification requirement, and replaces it with a certification required from all directors within ninety (90) days of being elected. In other words, this form is no longer required to be submitted with a timely notice of intent for candidacy, but submitted by each newly elected or appointed director within a ninety (90) day period. It must affirm that he or she has read the association's governing documents, and that he or she will work to uphold these documents to the best of his or her ability, and faithfully discharge his or her fiduciary duty to the association and its members. In lieu of written certification, a director may submit a certificate of satisfactory completion of the educational curriculum from a provider approved by the Division. For whatever reason, the legislature failed to include the previous requirement or any reference to reading and understanding to one's best ability, Florida Statutes and applicable Rules (Florida Administrative Code). Removal of officers or board members whether for delinquency or certification requirements, whether right or wrong, lends itself to uncertainty as to the composition of the board from time to time.
A condominium association may now also suspend the voting rights of a member due to the non-payment of any monetary obligation due the association which is more than ninety (90) days delinquent.
Where the number of board seats expiring is greater than the number of candidates running for those seats, each board member whose term has expired is eligible for reappointment without standing for reelection. What if no member submits a timely notice of intent for candidacy... who does the reappointment? It used to be that the previous board stayed in place since no member or other eligible person sought candidacy. What if only one member submits his or her candidacy? On election day or at the next Organizational Meeting of the board, he or she may fill the remaining seats regardless of the fact that a quorum will not be present.
Directors who do not submit proper certification (within the ninety day period) are suspended from board service until they comply with the requirement, and the Board may appoint an interim replacement. This interim replacement must of course submit to the new certification/education requirements. The question begs, how long must the 'interim' board member wait before being considered a permanent member of the Board ???
Directors charged by information (which may refer to an accusation by anyone without real proof) or indictment for felony theft or embezzlement offense involving association funds must be removed from office until the end of the period of suspension or the end of the director's term whichever comes first. O.K. When a director steals money exceeding $400.00 it is a severe Grand Theft Offense (in Florida) which can be charged as a misdemeanor OR a felony. As far as “information”, what if the administrative expenses are unreasonable (including association payment one or all directors cell phones, or car expenses, including repairs, in traveling on association business) and such information is judged by whom, as sufficient for suspension. Is this embezzlement, or unreasonable use of Association funds? What if the information is “hearsay evidence” alone?
Condominium Financial Records
Small associations, those administrating fewer than seventy-five (75) units, may prepare a cash report, rather than a statutory financial report.
Remedies for Delinquencies
New self-help remedies include suspension of common element use rights and suspension of voting rights after a ninety (90) delinquency in assessments. WPRF owns most of the pools and is paid for the upkeep of those pools, and those few associations owning their own pools could attempt to tell a delinquent owner that their common element rights have been suspended. Who gets to pull the elderly person out of the pool? Does this include delinquencies prior to the effective date of this amendment (July 1st, 2010)? Most experts agree that it does. It is considered a continuing debt included in this period, are still due and owing, and therefore are a continuing obligation. The term “monetary obligation” is not defined, and therefore would not only include regular assessments, but late fees, attorney's fees, unpaid fines, dues, and special assessments which were due prior to the amendment. However, the suspension must be approved at a properly noticed Board meeting. Associations cannot suspend use of limited common elements, utility service, parking spaces, elevators, or impede access to or from the unit or the Village. Comcast thus far refuses to disconnect a unit from the system and are being paid by the associations as part of a bulk contract agreement, so what sense would it make to attempt to do so? Would such a disconnect offer the incentive to pay overdue assessments?
Attaching rents without court action could be helpful in some cases. The Board must send a letter to the unit owner (and should send one to the tenant as well), stating that until the accruing debt is paid, the association must receive the rent directly from the tenant to offset an unpaid monetary obligation.
A receipt is issued to the tenant from the association and is legally considered “rent paid by the lessee” and the landlord is required to honor it. The landlord can't evict a tenant on such basis, but if the tenant fails to pay the association, the association has the right to evict the tenant (and charge all expenses to the unit owner/landlord) and also has the right to suspend common use rights. Now, who do you think the tenant is going to pay? I like that one, but it has limited applicability to delinquent owners who have tenants in place. On a different note, unworthy of its own section, for units foreclosed on by the banks, forget the benefit of an increase in liability from 6 months to 12 months. The lesser of 1% or 12 months assessments in Century Village will always be the 1% of the original mortgage amount owed to the association by the bank. No benefit exists to this community with this change.
This article is by no means comprehensive, and many amendments are likely to be tested in court or by the “Division” regarding proper interpretation. No aspect of this article should be considered legal advice. An opinion by a competent condominium attorney should always be sought.
We have a stalker in C.V.
We have a stalker in C.V. It's a shame that we cannot feel safe anywhere anymore. While doing laundry in the evening, due to her unusual schedule, my neighbor was surprised by an odd looking man: short, stout, dark handle-bar moustache. He said in heavily-accented English that he was looking for condo-for-sale ads on Association's bulletin boards. This man has crossed my friend's path several times in and outside the Village. He says he owns a condo in C.V. but doesn't live here. He should not be in C.V. after dark, stalking and scaring residents. Who knows, he might be a sexual offender waiting for his next victim... Security has been notified. It's better to warn our neighbors now than be sorry later...
Monday, August 23, 2010
Hi All,
This morning we had a really good meeting with the ONE VOTE committee. Our intrepid Randy headed the group and gave everyone a lot of food for thought. In his own inimitable way he explained in detail how we may be able to get this off the ground.
At the beginning of the meeting, with a show of hands, I asked the committee and the guests how they felt about continuing with the research of the program. We got a really good show of hands. We have a very intelligent group and it was evident by the questions they asked. We have a lot of work to do but this is doable.
Our next meeting is September 22 at 11AM in the UCO office. I hope more of you will come. We welcome as much input from our residents as we can get in order to make sure we cover every base.
This morning we had a really good meeting with the ONE VOTE committee. Our intrepid Randy headed the group and gave everyone a lot of food for thought. In his own inimitable way he explained in detail how we may be able to get this off the ground.
At the beginning of the meeting, with a show of hands, I asked the committee and the guests how they felt about continuing with the research of the program. We got a really good show of hands. We have a very intelligent group and it was evident by the questions they asked. We have a lot of work to do but this is doable.
Our next meeting is September 22 at 11AM in the UCO office. I hope more of you will come. We welcome as much input from our residents as we can get in order to make sure we cover every base.
Downtown WPB
It is easier IMHO to find events Downtown WPB on this site than in the newspaper
Downtown is reorganized. You just missed some Friday jazz and the Buffett Tribute band yesterday (see picnickers) but there are lots of other shows, and a Space Exhibit for Dave.
Click on pics to enlarge

Sunday, August 22, 2010
Hi all,
The graphic above is extracted from the Palm Beach County Property Appraisers site.
The property outside of the red line along Haverhill Road, belongs to Palm Beach County.
Could we pick up the trash and cut the grass? what a wonderful charitable act, i'm sure the County would greatly appreciate this act; Oh my, who would pay for this? Hmmmm! our unit owners!
Give me a break folks...UCO will indeed call upon the County to do their duty, as we have on many occasions; but don't hold your breath waiting for them to respond.
Dave Israel
Tall Grass
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Who Is Responsible
I think I have an interesting question. Who is responsible for
changing a battery in a smoke detector? The owner of the condo
or the tenant of the condo.
changing a battery in a smoke detector? The owner of the condo
or the tenant of the condo.
Friday, August 20, 2010
We are waiting.....
Dear David,
You are very busy, we know, and we have tried to be patient. It is killing us, though, to find out what the cone-shaped thing you put on the blog a few weeks is.
We have made our guesses and tried to throw in a little humor, but the truth is that not knowing the answer is disturbing us. It is affecting my work at the UCO Reporter (none too sterling to begin with), and others have told me they have had a definite drop in their "serenity quotient." Some are finding it hard to sleep at night. For the good of the Village, would you let us know?
Thank you.
You are very busy, we know, and we have tried to be patient. It is killing us, though, to find out what the cone-shaped thing you put on the blog a few weeks is.
We have made our guesses and tried to throw in a little humor, but the truth is that not knowing the answer is disturbing us. It is affecting my work at the UCO Reporter (none too sterling to begin with), and others have told me they have had a definite drop in their "serenity quotient." Some are finding it hard to sleep at night. For the good of the Village, would you let us know?
Thank you.
Poem Response
Eastside, Westside,
On each city block,
New York which suffered horribly
Again relives the shock.
Airplanes crash, buildings burn,
Workers leap to the ground,
Choking smoke envelopes all
Our anguish knows no bounds.
Yet we support your right to pray
And speak and worship here,
The right you claim, to build a mosque
Is not the issue. That's clear.
But show respect, compassion too
For those who died that day.
Their loved ones seek a place of peace
To remember, grieve and pray.
If understanding, peace and love
Are truly what you seek,
Extend your hand to all who grieve
Listen. Hear them speak.
by Barbara Samuells
I wrote a verse recently in response to a columnist's verse which asserted that those opposing the NYC mosque are opposed to freedom of religion. Having lived just outside NYC for 40 years I felt a strong need to answer his verse. This is what I wrote, and it was published in one newspaper and several internet news sites.
from Barbara Samuells snowbird, posted by ElaineB
On each city block,
New York which suffered horribly
Again relives the shock.
Airplanes crash, buildings burn,
Workers leap to the ground,
Choking smoke envelopes all
Our anguish knows no bounds.
Yet we support your right to pray
And speak and worship here,
The right you claim, to build a mosque
Is not the issue. That's clear.
But show respect, compassion too
For those who died that day.
Their loved ones seek a place of peace
To remember, grieve and pray.
If understanding, peace and love
Are truly what you seek,
Extend your hand to all who grieve
Listen. Hear them speak.
by Barbara Samuells
I wrote a verse recently in response to a columnist's verse which asserted that those opposing the NYC mosque are opposed to freedom of religion. Having lived just outside NYC for 40 years I felt a strong need to answer his verse. This is what I wrote, and it was published in one newspaper and several internet news sites.
from Barbara Samuells snowbird, posted by ElaineB
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Based On a Copyrighted Story
The average attorney is a guppy compared to the sharks hired by the Las Vegas Review-Journal! They don't believe in "cease-and-desist" — they go out and bite anybody who posts in full who takes in full stories from the paper's site. You've seen casinos play hardball with players attempting to game them in movies like 21. Apparently the "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" attitude doesn't stop at the tables.
The average attorney is a guppy compared to the sharks hired by the Las Vegas Review-Journal! They don't believe in "cease-and-desist" — they go out and bite anybody who posts in full who takes in full stories from the paper's site. You've seen casinos play hardball with players attempting to game them in movies like 21. Apparently the "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" attitude doesn't stop at the tables.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
I know in my assn, you have to own for 1 yr before you could rent out the unit ---a friend of mine lives in an assn that amended bylaws to make it a 2 yr ownership before rentable ---
Is the basic 1 yr rule applicable thru out CV or does each assn make own rule i.e. could an assn amend bylaws to ready no restriction /no waiting period - rentable upon purchase/ thanks.
Is the basic 1 yr rule applicable thru out CV or does each assn make own rule i.e. could an assn amend bylaws to ready no restriction /no waiting period - rentable upon purchase/ thanks.
Memorial Service for Betty Lapidus
Betty Lapidus
Photo by Ken Graff - published by Dave Israel
Memorial Service:
Friday, August 13, 2010
Paraskavedekatriaphobia Today
If you know someone who genuinely has paraskavedekatriaphobia, don't laugh at them if they don't want to leave the house today. It's a genuine phobia.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
school daze!!!
it was brought to my attention by cop major evelyn that the collection of school supplies has been extended through august. to those of you that have already donated i want to say thank you for your generosity. you have all shown what our residents are all about.
evelyn has already taken a car load from us to the sheriff for distribution. so please keep those supplies coming. they are going to elementary schools. again thank you very much!!
evelyn has already taken a car load from us to the sheriff for distribution. so please keep those supplies coming. they are going to elementary schools. again thank you very much!!
An Interstate Highway Driving Tip
On Interstate Highways, like our Interstate 95, most of the exits are on the right-hand side of the road; but not always. As you know, sometimes an exit is on the left side of the road; and some of these left-side exits occur on the busiest stretches of the Interstate, where there are several lanes.
I found out a few years ago that there is a way to tell ahead of time which side of an Interstate Highway an exit is on. Have you ever noticed that on top of the big sign for an upcoming interchange there is often a SMALLER SIGN saying “Exit 14” or similar? This smaller sign gives only the exit number. Here’s the clue: If the smaller exit sign is on the top RIGHT side of the big sign, the exit referred to is on the right side of the road. If the smaller exit sign is on the top LEFT of the big sign, the exit is on the left side of the road.
Some of you probably know this. I’ve found that it is news to many people.
I found out a few years ago that there is a way to tell ahead of time which side of an Interstate Highway an exit is on. Have you ever noticed that on top of the big sign for an upcoming interchange there is often a SMALLER SIGN saying “Exit 14” or similar? This smaller sign gives only the exit number. Here’s the clue: If the smaller exit sign is on the top RIGHT side of the big sign, the exit referred to is on the right side of the road. If the smaller exit sign is on the top LEFT of the big sign, the exit is on the left side of the road.
Some of you probably know this. I’ve found that it is news to many people.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Scientists find new superbug spreading from India
A new superbug could spread around the world after reaching Britain from India -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it.
Researchers said on Wednesday they had found a new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1, in patients in South Asia and in Britain. NDM-1 makes bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems, and experts say there are no new drugs on the horizon to tackle it.
With international travel in search of cheaper healthcare increasing, particularly for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, Timothy Walsh, who led the study, said he feared the new superbug could soon spread across the globe. "At a global level, this is a real concern," Walsh, from Britain's Cardiff University, said in telephone interview.
"Because of medical tourism and international travel in general, resistance to these types of bacteria has the potential to spread around the world very, very quickly. And there is nothing in the (drug development) pipeline to tackle it." Almost as soon as the first antibiotic penicillin was introduced in the 1940s, bacteria began to develop resistance to its effects, prompting researchers to develop many new generations of antibiotics.
But their overuse and misuse have helped fuel the rise of drug-resistant "superbug" infections like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal on Wednesday, Walsh's team found that NDM-1 is becoming more common in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan and is also being imported back to Britain in patients returning after treatment.
"India also provides cosmetic surgery for other Europeans and Americans, and it is likely NDM-1 will spread worldwide," the scientists wrote in the study.
For many years, antibiotic research has been a "Cinderella" sector of the pharmaceuticals industry, reflecting a mismatch between the scientific difficulty of finding treatments and the modest sales such products are likely to generate, since new drugs are typically saved only for the sickest patients. But the increasing threat from superbugs is encouraging a rethink at the few large drug makers still actively hunting for new antibiotics, including Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis.
Walsh and his international team collected bacteria samples from hospital patients in two places in India, Chennai and Haryana, and from patients referred to Britain's national reference laboratory between 2007 and 2009. They found 44 NDM-1-positive bacteria in Chennai, 26 in Haryana, 37 in Britain, and 73 in other sites in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Several of the British NDM-1 positive patients had recently traveled to India or Pakistan for hospital treatment, including cosmetic surgery, they said.
Most worryingly, NDM-1-producing bacteria are resistant to many antibiotics including carbapenems, the scientists said, a class of the drugs often reserved for emergency use and to treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bugs like MRSA and C-Difficile.
Anders Ekblom, global head of medicines development at AstraZeneca, whose Merrem antibiotic is the leading carbapenem, said he saw "great value" in investing in new antibiotics.
"We've long recognized the growing need for new antibiotics, he said. "Bacteria are continually developing resistance to our arsenal of antibiotics and NDM1 is just the latest example." Experts commenting on Walsh's findings said it was important to be alert to the new bug and start screening for it early. "If this emerging public health threat is ignored, sooner or later the medical community could be confronted with carbapenem-resistant (bacteria) that cause common infections, resulting in treatment failures with substantial increases in health-care costs," Johann Pitout from the University of Calgary in Canada wrote in a commentary in same journal.
(Editing by Myra MacDonald)
A new superbug could spread around the world after reaching Britain from India -- in part because of medical tourism -- and scientists say there are almost no drugs to treat it.
Researchers said on Wednesday they had found a new gene called New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase, or NDM-1, in patients in South Asia and in Britain. NDM-1 makes bacteria highly resistant to almost all antibiotics, including the most powerful class called carbapenems, and experts say there are no new drugs on the horizon to tackle it.
With international travel in search of cheaper healthcare increasing, particularly for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, Timothy Walsh, who led the study, said he feared the new superbug could soon spread across the globe. "At a global level, this is a real concern," Walsh, from Britain's Cardiff University, said in telephone interview.
"Because of medical tourism and international travel in general, resistance to these types of bacteria has the potential to spread around the world very, very quickly. And there is nothing in the (drug development) pipeline to tackle it." Almost as soon as the first antibiotic penicillin was introduced in the 1940s, bacteria began to develop resistance to its effects, prompting researchers to develop many new generations of antibiotics.
But their overuse and misuse have helped fuel the rise of drug-resistant "superbug" infections like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In a study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal on Wednesday, Walsh's team found that NDM-1 is becoming more common in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan and is also being imported back to Britain in patients returning after treatment.
"India also provides cosmetic surgery for other Europeans and Americans, and it is likely NDM-1 will spread worldwide," the scientists wrote in the study.
For many years, antibiotic research has been a "Cinderella" sector of the pharmaceuticals industry, reflecting a mismatch between the scientific difficulty of finding treatments and the modest sales such products are likely to generate, since new drugs are typically saved only for the sickest patients. But the increasing threat from superbugs is encouraging a rethink at the few large drug makers still actively hunting for new antibiotics, including Pfizer, Merck, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline and Novartis.
Walsh and his international team collected bacteria samples from hospital patients in two places in India, Chennai and Haryana, and from patients referred to Britain's national reference laboratory between 2007 and 2009. They found 44 NDM-1-positive bacteria in Chennai, 26 in Haryana, 37 in Britain, and 73 in other sites in Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. Several of the British NDM-1 positive patients had recently traveled to India or Pakistan for hospital treatment, including cosmetic surgery, they said.
Most worryingly, NDM-1-producing bacteria are resistant to many antibiotics including carbapenems, the scientists said, a class of the drugs often reserved for emergency use and to treat infections caused by other multi-resistant bugs like MRSA and C-Difficile.
Anders Ekblom, global head of medicines development at AstraZeneca, whose Merrem antibiotic is the leading carbapenem, said he saw "great value" in investing in new antibiotics.
"We've long recognized the growing need for new antibiotics, he said. "Bacteria are continually developing resistance to our arsenal of antibiotics and NDM1 is just the latest example." Experts commenting on Walsh's findings said it was important to be alert to the new bug and start screening for it early. "If this emerging public health threat is ignored, sooner or later the medical community could be confronted with carbapenem-resistant (bacteria) that cause common infections, resulting in treatment failures with substantial increases in health-care costs," Johann Pitout from the University of Calgary in Canada wrote in a commentary in same journal.
(Editing by Myra MacDonald)
Hi all,
UCO VP Phyllis Richland is co-ordinating an effort to collect school supplies for disadvantaged children in shelters.
Please bring any school supplies you can donate to the UCO Office during the week of August 10 - 13.
Examples of desired supplies would be; Paper, pens, pencils, glue, notebooks, loose-leaf binders...Etc.
These supplies will be collected by our own COP volunteer force and brought to the PBSO (Sheriff's Office); for distribution to the children.
Dave Israel
UCO VP Phyllis Richland is co-ordinating an effort to collect school supplies for disadvantaged children in shelters.
Please bring any school supplies you can donate to the UCO Office during the week of August 10 - 13.
Examples of desired supplies would be; Paper, pens, pencils, glue, notebooks, loose-leaf binders...Etc.
These supplies will be collected by our own COP volunteer force and brought to the PBSO (Sheriff's Office); for distribution to the children.
Dave Israel
unpaid condo fees
I had read in the Palm Beach Post about this company and wondered if anyone has had any contact with or any useful data/input ----the company pays assns an amt of unpaid delinquent dues and then collects ----all is explained on the site They do indicate w/come out to assn meeting - would this be a possibility to help all assns with "walk away" condos that are burdening the residents who are stuck paying? They do indicate w/come out to assn meeting - would this be a possibility to help all assns with "walk away" condos that are burdening the residents who are stuck paying?
Dear fellow bloggers,
I have been told that the Reporter will not be out until the 27th of this month. is it my imagination ,or has it always come out around the 20th or 21st? because of this, two important issues were deleted from my column this month. on august 23rd there will be a meeting of the new one vote committee at UCO at 11am. on august 25 FP&L will be in room C at the clubhouse to help anyone that needs assistance in reducing their utility bill.
I may as well let you know that on september 24th the DMV will be in room C at the clubhouse and you can renew your drivers licence or get a Florida photo ID because who knows when that issue of the Reporter will come out.
I have been told that the Reporter will not be out until the 27th of this month. is it my imagination ,or has it always come out around the 20th or 21st? because of this, two important issues were deleted from my column this month. on august 23rd there will be a meeting of the new one vote committee at UCO at 11am. on august 25 FP&L will be in room C at the clubhouse to help anyone that needs assistance in reducing their utility bill.
I may as well let you know that on september 24th the DMV will be in room C at the clubhouse and you can renew your drivers licence or get a Florida photo ID because who knows when that issue of the Reporter will come out.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Winter Classes
Where can I view the listing of classes to be available at CV this coming winter season?
Neighbor feud
We have two owners at odds with each other about noises coming from each other's bedrooms, i.e. loud voices, TV broadcasts, music, etc. Short of erecting "sound barriers," what recourse do these owners have in settling these disputes without escalating to an "all out war"?
Thank you for your input.
Thank you for your input.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hi all,
Delegate Assembly of August 6, 2010 now live in Cyberspace!
Click here:
or on link button in sidebar.
Dave Israel
Delegate Assembly of August 6, 2010 now live in Cyberspace!
Click here:
or on link button in sidebar.
Dave Israel
Everything is new again

“I’m resting, no clothes on” says Herbie
“Hope nobody comes to disturb me!
If someone comes calling,
It’s not so appalling!
I’m wearing my company derby.”
Drawing and words by Helen Siegler, UCO Reporter artist (still painting 30+ years in CV), this one may be a little racy for the UCO Reporter, thank you Helen.
Hi all,
There is some chatter on this BLOG about a pool going "Naturist" IE. "Clothing Optional"
The following extract from Florida Statutes Title XLVI (Crimes)
Chapter 800 (Lewdness Indecent Exposure)! may prove instructive.
800.03 Exposure of sexual organs.--It is unlawful to expose or exhibit one's sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner, or to be naked in public except in any place provided or set apart for that purpose. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A mother's breastfeeding of her baby does not under any circumstance violate this section.
While clearly open to various interpretations, I would not hold your breath waiting for a pool, here in CV, to go "Naturist"
Dave Israel
There is some chatter on this BLOG about a pool going "Naturist" IE. "Clothing Optional"
The following extract from Florida Statutes Title XLVI (Crimes)
Chapter 800 (Lewdness Indecent Exposure)! may prove instructive.
800.03 Exposure of sexual organs.--It is unlawful to expose or exhibit one's sexual organs in public or on the private premises of another, or so near thereto as to be seen from such private premises, in a vulgar or indecent manner, or to be naked in public except in any place provided or set apart for that purpose. Violation of this section is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. A mother's breastfeeding of her baby does not under any circumstance violate this section.
While clearly open to various interpretations, I would not hold your breath waiting for a pool, here in CV, to go "Naturist"
Dave Israel
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Naturist Inaugural Swim
It is my understanding that the first Naturist swim scheduled for 8AM Monday 8/9/10 has been postponed until September . The Naturists feel they should have 2000 signatures on their petition, before having the big SWIM
Photography Fans
The Palm Beach Photographic Ctr on Clematis (in new library bldg) is well worth a visit.
Currently shows 14th Annual INFOCUS Juried Exhibition featuring photographic and digital works by the Centre's members. From still life, portraiture, and nature photography to digital art, this exhibition showcases selected images by talented professional and amateur photographers. Exhibition Dates: July 11 to Sept 18, 2010. Call 561.253.2600
Visit the website at:
They are open Mon-Thurs 10-7, Fri+Sat 10-5, Sunday 1-5.
iLand Views Exhibit by Kari & Jeaux McCormickCome to the Eissey Campus Theatre and enjoy a digital photography exhibition. June 10 - August 31. This exhibit is free and open to the public. Where: Eissey Campus Theatre Lobby Gallery (Palm Beach Gardens campus) Call 561-207-5905.
Vanishing Florida - exhibition of photographs.
IF YOU ARE QUICK - Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth Campus, Jan & Gary Dario Gallery, 4200 Congress Avenue, June 24 - August 12, 2010.
Also Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4:30pm Nov 8 thru Jan 5, 2011 at South Palm Beach Town Hall. Vanishing Florida features a diverse selection of photographs by members of Photo Salon of Palm Beach County. The exhibition is a tribute to the eroding beaches and failing seawalls, vintage buildings and architecture, endangered wildlife, small towns, and the natives who have long called this state home. Students and community are invited to attend this free event. Visit the website at:
Century Village Camera ClubFor info write Ken Graff - see you in December.
Currently shows 14th Annual INFOCUS Juried Exhibition featuring photographic and digital works by the Centre's members. From still life, portraiture, and nature photography to digital art, this exhibition showcases selected images by talented professional and amateur photographers. Exhibition Dates: July 11 to Sept 18, 2010. Call 561.253.2600
Visit the website at:
They are open Mon-Thurs 10-7, Fri+Sat 10-5, Sunday 1-5.
iLand Views Exhibit by Kari & Jeaux McCormickCome to the Eissey Campus Theatre and enjoy a digital photography exhibition. June 10 - August 31. This exhibit is free and open to the public. Where: Eissey Campus Theatre Lobby Gallery (Palm Beach Gardens campus) Call 561-207-5905.
Vanishing Florida - exhibition of photographs.
IF YOU ARE QUICK - Palm Beach State College, Lake Worth Campus, Jan & Gary Dario Gallery, 4200 Congress Avenue, June 24 - August 12, 2010.
Also Monday - Thursday, 8am - 4:30pm Nov 8 thru Jan 5, 2011 at South Palm Beach Town Hall. Vanishing Florida features a diverse selection of photographs by members of Photo Salon of Palm Beach County. The exhibition is a tribute to the eroding beaches and failing seawalls, vintage buildings and architecture, endangered wildlife, small towns, and the natives who have long called this state home. Students and community are invited to attend this free event. Visit the website at:
Century Village Camera ClubFor info write Ken Graff - see you in December.
Changing Someone's Post
I was just reading the recent Naturist Club Petition post and read in the Comments what was said about changing someone's post. Apparently the post was changed or added to in some way, and apparently this was all done in good fun and received as such. I think, though, that changing someone's post should be a no-no. It was done recently to one of my posts, and I think I know why: I was in error about what I said about a person. In the instance, the change to my post was trivial and appropriate, but I think this sets a dangerous precedent. The posts must be monitored, I know, and some outright removed. If a correction is in order, I think one of three things should be done: Set the record straight by a follow-up Comment; ask the writer's permission to change the post; or delete the Post entirely. This would be a judgment call by those who can make changes.
What do you think?
What do you think?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hi All,
Jeff Greene, Democrat for US Senate, will host a breakfast; He will be having bagels, cream cheese and decaf coffee and maybe lox!
Friday , 6 August, 2010 in the Clubhouse party room.
Time: 9:00am just prior to the Delegate Assembly meeting.
Tell all your fellow Unit Owners they are welcome.
Dave Israel
Jeff Greene, Democrat for US Senate, will host a breakfast; He will be having bagels, cream cheese and decaf coffee and maybe lox!
Friday , 6 August, 2010 in the Clubhouse party room.
Time: 9:00am just prior to the Delegate Assembly meeting.
Tell all your fellow Unit Owners they are welcome.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
We here in CV are not alone as far as Golf course development is concerned.
See the following URL for the story:
Dave Israel
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
If you were a fan of the old New York Yankees and would like to watch a heartwarming movie (more a documentary) on the life of Yogi Berra, you can do so for free on your Century Village Cable TV now. Turn to the On-Demand channel and click on Free Movies. Next, click on the M-Z listing and go through the list to the end, where you will find “Yogi Berra.” The movie, 67 minutes long, is about Yogi’s life from when he was a youngster growing up in St. Louis through his years with the New York Yankees as a player, coach and manager. You will meet his family, his boyhood friends, and many fellow ballplayers. Billy Crystal and Bob Costa pay tribute to Yogi, as do many others. There are many "Berraisms" (malapropisms), such as his famous "It's de ja vu all over again," which will amuse you and endear the man to you. This is the best thing I have seen on Yogi Berra. I have no idea how long it will be offered on the On-Demand channel. It was on last night, when I watched it, and it is still listed today.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Naturist Club Petition
I was the 637 th signature on the Clothing optional Pool petition. I'm amazed so many CVers have an interest in being a naturist . I was told they are trying to get 2000 signatures. Not sure if I'm up to the nudist thing at my age but if others enjoy it , why not sign on.?
State sales-tax holidays
Florida: On Aug. 13-15, the following are exempt: books, clothing, wallets or bags (including handbags, backpacks, fanny packs and diaper bags) with a sales price of $50 or less per item; and school supplies with a sales price of $10 or less per item. Excludes briefcase, suitcases and other garment bags. Also does not apply to sales made within a theme park, entertainment complex, public lodging establishment or airport.
Courtesy of Carol Kokinis-Graves, CCH Senior State Tax Analyst
Sam's Club is having its once-in-a-blue-moon open house, when non-members can shop without paying the usual 10% surcharge. The event is nationwide August 6-8 only.
Courtesy of Carol Kokinis-Graves, CCH Senior State Tax Analyst
Sam's Club is having its once-in-a-blue-moon open house, when non-members can shop without paying the usual 10% surcharge. The event is nationwide August 6-8 only.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Karaoke Online
Karaoke online, listen to music online, videos and lyrics. Search, sing and share at Harder than it looks, practise, practise.
Karaoke online, listen to music online, videos and lyrics. Search, sing and share at Harder than it looks, practise, practise.
While UCO and WPRF, Inc. explore alternative and mitigating procedures; the sign above may prove helpful in navigating the new lock. I fully recognize that there are some of our residents who will have problems with this new lock; rest assured that we are making every effort to devise a solution which is Code compliant and ADA approved.
Dave Israel
This Guy wants to talk to Angry People
Click on, watch
Try some of the others on the right side of his youtube - remarkable.
Try some of the others on the right side of his youtube - remarkable.
In New York, Dial 311
Here, dial 211 for sunshine. Up there, they have their own magic number. An article in the Post bemoans how it can be used to solve anything.
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