Mary, from Salisbury G, passed away this morning, at 78, exactly 5 weeks to the day of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Early in September, her three children drove down from northern New Jersey, to take her back home with them.
Mary was a wonderful friend and neighbor, firm in her political convictions, and a generous volunteer at a local geriatric center where she "pushed" wheelchairs 3 days a week.
I can still see her eyes light up every time she talked about her children and grand-children. Her favorite hobby was "scouring" rummage stores to hunt for yarn for a crafty friend, or for used clean towels for another who made bed pads for cancer patients, or for anything a friend might casually mention in conversation.
Mary was a bit of a kleptomaniac when it came to paper Dunkin' Donuts or McDonald... wherever we'd stopped to eat. Although she had plenty in her pantry, she would pick up a few "extras" and stuff them in her purse. I joked with her many times that all she would get for Christmas were huge packages of paper napkins... Her answer was: "I just can't help it."
Every time I look across the street at her white front door and her partially lowered shades, I'll remember her smiling face and those laughing eyes.
Mary often mentioned that she was eager to join her beloved husband Louie in Heaven. I so dearly hope that she has and that she will rest in peace.
Live each day as if it were your last...
Many blessings,