Friday, April 30, 2010
The only people who see it are the ones who are using the swimming
pools at the Clubhouse. The majority of people entering the Clubhouse
and show security their ID turn to the right to go to the party room,
the office, the theatre or go upstairs to the library or the cardroom
and many do not know there is a bulletin board in the Clubhouse. Is there
any reason that it cannot be moved so the majority of the unit owners will
be able to read the notices on the board.
clothes drop box
Know where your money goes
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
- Eat almonds and walnuts
- Play a video game
- Try a new type of puzzle
- Interact with other people, not just your family
- Meditate with a mantra word
- Listen to music instead of watching TV
- Don't eat for one day a week
- Sleep is important; use a relaxing scent to stimulate rest
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
On April 28th at 10:00PM a new TV show will
start airing on WEtv and it's a reality show
for us SENIORS. In looking up our stations
for Comcast I do not find WEtv. In order to
get that station will it be like ordering HBO,
Showtime etc. and Comcast will charge us for it?
Pull up google and ask SUNSET DAZE and you will
see scenes of the show.
Free HOP, Tips Only
I took a short ride an odd little black vehicle - a cross between a caterpillar and a golf cart. I hope to take a longer ride later - to sightsee Flamingo Park and Northwood and Palm Beach.
"This taxi turns heads wherever we go," said owner Chris Pruitt, who explained the FREE downtown electric taxi service HOP. This service is a good partner to downtown trolleys, which do not go door to door.
Clients must either go online to or call HOPCities'dispatch service at (561) 512-0650 for a ride at an arranged time.
The vehicles, which plug into wall outlets, travel 20 to 25 miles on one charge.
In a stalled economy, it's hard to believe a business offering a free service. But Michelle Drysdale and her partners, Jerry Wilson and Chris Pruitt, operate from an unconventional business model. Their five drivers, paid in tips only, pride themselves on knowledge of local attractions.The three partners kept their day jobs. After four months, the electric cabs are almost breaking even, supported by ads inside and out.
HOP Cities uses GEM electric cars, a Chrysler product. The cars, which plug into wall outlets to recharge, go 20 to 25 miles on one charge and deliver passengers door to door by appointment, anywhere in an area roughly bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Belvedere Road, Tamarind Avenue and 27th Street.
HOP consists of two vehicles, one for three passengers and one for five. It's governed by the same regulations as taxis. The five drivers have received background checks.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday May 10 @ 9:15AM
Wednesday May 19 @ 9:15AM
Wednesday June 2 @ 9;15AM
Friday June 11 @11:30AM
All classes will be held in the UCO Conference Room @ 2102 West Drive
Friday, April 23, 2010
Olga Wolkenstein
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Response to Removal of Update on the VRG (Victims Rights Group) VOICES Campaign Post
I spent a lot of time putting together an update for all the folks who want to know what's happening that encompasses much more than the very small section of one or two sentences that you alluded to. Can you replace all but the section you disagreed with? I don't have a copy of what I wrote and don't want to go through the large amount of time it took to put the original post back together again from scratch.
I appreciate your concern to protect the truth. However, the next time you decide to censor my posts, if it is possible, a phone call would first be appreciated, if for no other reason than to give me the opportunity to save what was already on there, as I do not have a copy of the post and must start all over from scratch. If you must remove it immediately in the interest of time and saving my life, would you please save a copy of the text first?
I appreciate your concern for my life and safety, Dave. However, I respectfully disagree with your statement. There was no sensitive information on that post other than the generic statements regarding the fact that law enforcement is interested in the information regarding the victimization of our residents, a fact that is well known by those involved already. This very point was made to everyone as one of my goals during the VRG meeting held on February 22. They had reps at the meeting. This is not news to them. No one is that naive. No specific departments, divisions, officials, or other sensitive information was divulged as far as I can remember, since I can no longer see what I wrote. If you disagree, I'd like for you to call me and let me know. I'll be happy to correct the record. Others whom you know very well have already cited meetings with the State's Attorney several times both on the blog and at meetings. This is not news. I also believe, having been in law enforcement for a long time in positions where a top secret clearance is required to protect classified material, that I can easily determine what is considered sensitive and/or classified information.
Aside from the 1st amendment considerations which I won't go into at this point, if you want to pull my posts, I respectfully request a head's up ahead of time if possible so I can copy the text to rewrite it without starting again from scratch. There was a lot of other good info on there. I hope you understand. Put yourself in my shoes. I don't think you'd be too happy if someone censored information that you thought was of importance simply at their own discretion.
Maybe since this is the first time I've been censored, I may be overreacting. No biggie. I'll get over it. If you have a copy of the original post, can you email it to me? Again, thanks for looking after me... It's appreciated. :-)
PS There's no need to respond. Just call me instead if you want to chat. Thanks.
The following cruise opportunity may prove a bit off the beaten path.
Check it out if you are interested.
Dave Israel
Spy Cruise 13 - 20 November 2010
The Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies (CI CENTRE) and Henley-Putnam University present "SPY CRUISE" - A National Security Education Lecture/Seminar Series.
13 - 20 November 2010 aboard Holland America Line M.S. Eurodam from Ft. Lauderdale to Grand Turks, Turks and Caicos; San Juan, PR; St. Thomas, USVI; and Half Moon Cay, Bahamas.
Onboard speakers Include Exclusive Top Intelligence Experts discussing Current & Future Threats: Policies, Problems, and Prescriptions -
Porter Goss - Former Director of Central Intelligence
Gen. Michael Hayden - Former Director of the CIA and NSA
Peter Brooks - Heritage Foundation Fellow
Former CIA Operations Officer
Major General Paul E. Vallely - US Army Retired
Michael Braun - Retired DEA Operations Chief
Managing Partner, Spectre Group International
Clare Lopez - Retired CIA Operations Officer
CI Centre Professor: Vice President, Intelligence Summit
Dr. Michael Cocoran - President, Henley-Putnam University
As well as additional speakers and special Events
Space is Limited for this exclusive event. Reserve your stateroom now!
Go to Diamond Fun Travel at or call them at:
Inside Cabins from $1199; Ocean View Cabins from $1269; Verandahs from $1449; Suites from $1979
Prices INCLUDE program, taxes, port charges and gratuities
Handling Insurance Casualties
I'm sure there are some very smart guys out there who have created some great working models of an association's inner workings that others could easily emulate. On the other hand, I've been in meetings where many other presidents and Boards of Administration just don't have a clue of where to start when it comes to handling insurance casualties. I want to share a few ideas I have imparted to my owners and Board members. You can take it for what it's worth. If it helps one person out there, then that's a good thing....
To the home owner - It is not necessary nor desirable to call anyone other than your president and insurance company to begin the process of handling an insurance casualty. If your president is unable or unwilling to help you, and you can't reach your insurance company, please feel free to call me or others who will provide you with the necessary guidance. We also have an insurance committee that can advise you of the steps to take. Ed Black, one of the most knowledgeable committee members, is currently working to construct a model for all to follow that will hopefully end any confusion once and for all. Until then, however, I have a few tips that may help you get started.
DO NOT CALL A PUBLIC ADJUSTER! They are used ONLY if a dispute arises between the insurance company and the contractor over the amount that should be paid. If needed, they will come into the picture down the road.
My suggestion to anyone out there who still is unsure of what to do when they have a casualty is to do what we know to do in our association:
1. Stop the damage from continuing! Turn off the water supply, put out the fire, turn off the power, etc. If you don't know where the shutoffs, breakers, or fire extinguishers are, don't wait until you need them to find out. Find out now!
2. Call your president or, in his absence, a Board Member, and give him the details of what happened so he handle the association's area of responsibility and can decide if it is necessary to call the association's insurance company.
3. Call your home owner's insurance company right away. Get a claim number if possible and ask when the adjuster will be out to make a report. Let the president know as soon as you know.
4. While you are waiting for a response from the insurance company, take lots of pictures and video if you can. If you can't, then ask a neighbor who has a camera to take them for you. I have offered to do it in my association. I'll do it for you too if you can't find anyone.
5. Write a handwritten or typed statement about the casualty. Ask yourself the following questions and write the statement around them:
In another thread, there is an interesting string of statements as regards the requirement for noise reducing underlayment in Florida. The following may prove instructive:
Sound damping underlayment, a simple matter of the Florida Building Code. If that is not good enough, simply build it into your Bylaws.
REF: The following is extracted from the Florida Building Code:
1207.1 Scope. This section shall apply to common interior walls, partitions and floor/ceiling assemblies between adjacent dwelling units or between dwelling units and adjacent public areas such as halls, corridors, stairs or service areas.
1207.2 Air-borne sound. Walls, partitions and floor/ceiling assemblies separating dwelling units from each other or from public or service areas shall have a sound transmission class (STC) of not less than 50 (45 if field tested) for air-borne noise when tested in accordance with ASTM E 90. Penetrations or openings in construction assemblies for piping; electrical devices; recessed cabinets; bathtubs; soffits; or heating, ventilating or exhaust ducts shall be sealed, lined, insulated or otherwise treated to maintain the required ratings. This requirement shall not apply to dwelling unit entrance doors; however, such doors shall be tight fitting to the frame and sill.
1207.3 Structure-borne sound. Floor/ceiling assemblies between dwelling units or between a dwelling unit and a public or service area within the structure shall have an impact insulation class (IIC) rating of not less than 50 (45 if field tested) when tested in accordance with ASTM E 492.
For those who desire a bit of Technical explanation of the ratings noted in the Code, the following is provided.
There are two types of ratings used for sound control: Sound Transmission Class (STC), which measures airborne sound, such as speaking, music, etc.; and Impact Insulation Class (IIC), which measures impact sound, such as that from people walking, moving chairs, dropping objects and the like. The current International Building Code requires a minimum IIC rating of 50 for both, and 45 if field-tested.
Sound Transmission Class (STC). Sound transmission class is a number rating of how well a building partition—wall, ceiling, floor, door—blocks airborne sound. For interior walls, STC values are derived from ASTM E 90, “Standard Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions.” ASTM E 90 measures a partition’s ability to reduce the transmission of airborne sound at 16 frequencies between 125 Hz and 4,000 Hz, the frequency range of speech.
Following are some generally accepted facts about STC ratings.
• Loud speech can be understood fairly well through an STC 30 wall but should not be audible through an STC 60 wall.
• An STC of 50 is a common building standard and blocks approximately 50 dB from transmitting through the partition. But STC 50 is not enough to stop loud music from a neighbor’s stereo which can exceed 100 dB. Although an STC 50-rated assembly will satisfy the building code requirement, residents may still be aware of, if not understand, loud speech from an adjacent apartment.
• STC 55 or STC 60 should be specified in sensitive areas where sound transmission is a concern. At STC 55, extremely loud sounds such as loud music from a neighbor’s stereo will heard so faintly that the vast majority of the population will not be disturbed.
• Luxury accommodations are considered to require more stringent design goals of as much as STC 60. At STC 60 and above, considered the ultimate in soundproofing, most sounds will not be audible. Walls rated STC 65 and above are generally reserved for ultra-luxury hotels and multi-family structures or purpose-built home theaters.
The only thing is, there are inherent weaknesses in the STC rating system. STC ratings are heavily weighted toward speech frequencies, and are less accurate for a partition’s ability to block low frequency noise, such as the bass in music, mechanical equipment noise, transportation noise or other sound with low-frequency energy below 125 Hz. STC ratings also represent testing in optimum laboratory conditions, and are rarely achieved in real world situations. The difference between Laboratory and field STC ratings stem from a structure’s flanking paths—the small holes, roof voids, even windows and doors which decrease a wall’s acoustic insulation. Consequently, the Field Sound Transmission Class or ''FSTC'' can be five to ten points lower than the laboratory STC. Yet regardless of what STC is selected, it is critical to control and seal all air-gaps and penetrations. Failure to do so can degrade the sound blocking capability of an assembly.
Impact Isolation Class (IIC).As STC ratings refer to airborne noise, IIC ratings target structure borne noise. The term IIC refers to a measure of isolation effectiveness of building structures from impact noises such as slammed doors, footsteps, dropped articles, etc. in a multi-family building. Impact noises can be transmitted through walls, floors, and ceilings throughout a building and re-radiated at distant locations. The higher the IIC rating, the better the isolation. IIC is measured and stated in accordance with ASTM Standard numbers C634 and E989 and tested via the methodology of ASTM Test Method E492. Generally speaking, IIC values are not heavily influenced by the extent of solid mass in the structure, but are usually dependent on the presence of some sort of resilient material in the assembly that can isolate and absorb the energy created by impacts.
Hopefully this will put an end to the questions and controversy on this issue.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Upstairs Noise Supression
The redesigned website for the County and ULDC is a pain.
Information Sharing
For those few who wondered where that DGTLXRAY fellow went, I was unable to get on the blog for several weeks due to technical problems. If you're reading this, it means I made it back finally! WhooHooo!
On to the subject at hand - Information Sharing.
I would like to get together with other presidents/ Board members / and other knowledgeable folks living in the village to establish an open forum to discuss ideas and share information about common problems that I'm sure many would like to know about "but were afraid to ask" to use the old expression.. :-)
Having attended the last Insurance Committee meeting and the Plastridge Insurance meeting this morning, I, along with many other interested CV'er's learned a lot about UCO's path forward and how our insurance co. reps like Plastridge can help us with insurance claims and the processes involved. A lot of folks at the Plastridge meeting had many good questions and I'm sure many more had additional questions that weren't answered due to time constraints. There are many presidents who have been proactive and have already taken some excellent steps to prepare and protect their associations from future liability and monetary catastrophe. By doing so, they are also placing themselves in the envious position of probably having their association's insurance policy premiums reduced next year. There are those who would like to do the same but just don't quite know where to start or need some help.
That is why I'd like to start a group that can meet regularly to throw out ideas, ask questions, and, if nothing else, just share with other inquisitive minds, things they have done, contractors they have hired, innovative ideas; all that have worked for their associations.
If there is already a group that is meeting on a regular basis, that has good attendance, and that accomplishes all of the above, please let me know. I would like to attend. If not, let's form a group for this purpose. I'll be happy to facilitate it if needed. I've spoken to some very smart people around here and I'd love to pick their brains.. I too have done some things to make our assn much more protected from future casualties and I'd like to share our model with others who would like the help. Thanks much to UCO's Insurance Committee Chair Toni for her leadership at the committee meeting yesterday and to Chuck Knudsen for facilitating the very informative meeting today. Way to go guys!!
Lee Hunt
We sent this to all our residents, those who did not respond received a second form.
A couple have still not responded it would be my guess that they are the people who have no homeowners insurance and no-one checking their unit while they are away.
This, at least, gives the Board notice of where to focus their efforts.
We do appreciate those who have given their info and keys to safeguard and cooperate with the association.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Close old style hurricane awnings
Monday, April 19, 2010
WPB Earth Day Activities
A stalwart group of at least 9 CVers already attended the Sustainability Summit at the Kravis last weekend. Stalwart because that was a lot of hours of lectures and presentations on environment, energy, green collar jobs, saving $$. There was good food and energy saving free stuff too.
We recommend: Other Earth Day Activities and Events:
***Attend the grand opening of the new E Source Center of West Palm Beach!
The E Source Center of West Palm Beach is a community outreach and researched center focused on promoting energy efficiency, renewable energy solutions and environmental stewardship.
When: Beginning at 10 am on April 22, 2010, followed by a green product expo and evening festivities.
Where: 1 North Clematis, West Palm Beach, FL
For more information on the mission of the E Source Center,
***Remember the Florida Energy Star Appliance Rebate Program: From April 16th through April 25th, Florida will offer all Florida residents a 20 percent rebate off the retail price of a new qualified ENERGY STAR appliance. These appliances included refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dishwashers, and room air conditioners. Consumers will receive an additional $75 if they provide evidence of having recycled the old appliance. For rebate details
Peacock In A Tree
Tips from All You Magazine
- Microwave ovens consume less power than real ovens.
- Laptop computers consume less power than desktop models.
- Eating sugary foods in the morning is a gateway to eat more later on in the day.
- If you need one or two items like milk and you need gas, don't discount the mini-store inside the gas station.
First Things First.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
The attendees told our exit pollsters that they were satisfied and had been helped.
Watch future REPORTER issues and channel 63 for the dates of future classes.
The classes were and will be very small so hands on training can be accomplished.
Call me at the UCO office if you have questions.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Regarding this Peacock at Windsor, the following may prove instructive:
Dave Israel
"The Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus), also called the Blue Peafowl or Common Peafowl, is native to India and Sri Lanka. It is the national bird of India. Because of its legendary beauty, it was domesticated more than 2000 years ago, and has since been exported to many other countries. The familiar bird with the beautiful display feathers is actually the male, or peacock—the female bird is called a peahen, and young are called peachicks.
Peafowl are classified with the pheasants in the taxonomic family Phasianidae, and are thus related to partridges, quail, chickens, and turkeys. There is one other peafowl species in the genus Pavo: Pavo muticus, the Green Peafowl.
Blue Peafowl Natural History and Habitat Facts
Peacocks and peahens can live for at least 15 years in captivity, but they probably do not live as long in the wild:
•The natural habitat of peafowl is dry open forest. The birds remain on the ground most of the time and do not fly long distances.
•In the wild, peafowl nest and feed on the ground, but roost high in the trees, ascending early in the evening.
•The eerie call of the peafowl is often heard when rain is approaching.
•The white peacock, seen more often in captivity, is a genetic mutation, rather than an albino bird.
•Peafowl tend not to get on well with other domestic animals.
•Although their natural ranges do not overlap, the Blue Peafowl and the Green Peafowl, native to Southeast Asia, can interbreed. The resulting hybrid bird is called a Spalding.
Blue Peafowl Feeding Facts
Domestic peafowl are valued in India because they eat young cobras, thus keeping the numbers of these venomous snakes down in human communities. The birds are relatively easy to feed:
•Peafowl eat insects, seeds, plant seedlings, fruit, and small reptiles.
•Because of their taste for seeds and insects, peacocks and peahens are drawn to gardens and compost piles, where they can become a nuisance.
Courtship and Breeding Facts
Peafowl will breed at about two years of age; however, the peacocks’ magnificent display feathers continue to grow until the birds are six years old. Peahens tend to prefer the peacock with the most spots on his feathers, so older males have more breeding success."
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Your Celfone Company Is Ripping You Off
There will be a meeting of the Insurance Committee as follows:
DATE:.........April 20, 2010
PLACE:........UCO conference room
Dave Israel
Sometimes Things Turn Out Surprisingly Well
For the past week I have been uncertain what to do with 2 tickets to see Johnny Mathis at the Kravis last night.
I bought them last month before my girlfriend Fran took ill.
My choices were do nothing and take the loss of $104.00, find someone wanting to buy them,
take someone with me to see the show,
go to the show and see if I could find someone needing just one and using the other myself,
or sell both and go home.
I decided to go to the Kravis Center and see how things would turn out. I stood out front and repeatedly called out to people “ 2 tickets for tonight’s show, take one or take 2”. After about an hour I got little interest as most everyone had just what they needed. I thought the fact that the tickets were for the 3rd level above the Orchestra may have turned away the few that made any inquiry at all although I was prepared to negotiate the price.
About 15 minutes before showtime a couple stopped to ask what the tickets were. It turned out they had one but needed two. We agreed to make a swap of my two tickets 3 levels above the Orchestra for their one ticket In The Orchestra dead center, 6 rows from the stage.
Ticket reads ORCHTR Row: FF Seat: 108 $125.00
I thoroughly enjoyed the show and bought Fran a CD.
George R. Pittell
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
We are trying to conserve on the emissions and also maybe cut our fuels costs,
which run about $9,000.00 a month. we must all try to do our part.
Barbara Cornish, Chair Transportation
Another Mistake?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Water Intrusion Recovery
I have contacted my HOMEOWNERS Insurance Company (State Farm) and obtained the list of companies they recommend for water emergencies. Accordingly I have posted this for all to see, because everyone should have, at their fingertips, A LIST of those companies their policy would approve of.
BE PREPARED - folk, it is just that easy. Remember, neither I, from the insurance committee, nor UCO are recommending the list that is attached - STATE FARM Insurance Company is. MAKE YOUR OWN list and BE PREPARED!!
PuroClean 2765 Vista Parkway, Ste H-7, West Palm Beach, FL 33411 561-775-2196
ServPro 117 Miller Way, Lake Park, Fl 336403 561-884-8784
Steam Master, West Palm Beach, FL 561-547-3390
ServiceMaster Royal Palm Beach, FL 561-242-2798
Ed Black
Elections today?
Are there elections at the clubhouse today, Tuesday, April 13th? Thanks in advance for the info.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mantle Cell Lymphoma
American Korean War/Service Veterans
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Idle Free
Grace recommends this other one, may spark discussion, is it inappropriate or does it have redeeming social value (Canadian)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
April 13 voting locations
Your BLOGMEISTER responds:
Registered Voters as of 04/10/2010
REP: 235,607
DEM: 371,617
Other: 201,937
Total: 809,161
Polling Place
U.S. Congress, Dist. 19 - Special General Election
Polling Hours : 7:00AM - 7:00PM
Address: 200 CENTURY BLVD
Directions: Take South Dr to Century Blvd then continue west on Century Blvd to the main clubhouse.
One proviso should be noted, there is one precinct in CV that votes as follows:
2020 Anshei Sholom Temple
Please check your voter registration card for your Precint number. If your Precinct number is other than the following:
2020 Anshei Sholom Temple West Palm Beach
2022 Century Village Clubhse West Palm Beach
2024 Century Village Clubhse West Palm Beach
2026 Century Village Clubhse West Palm Beach
2028 Century Village Clubhse
please check the following site:
Dave Israel
Friday, April 9, 2010
With the departure of our seasonal residents in progress, we are resuming the publication of the Delegate Assembly.
The video has been uploaded to the INTERNET primarily for the benefit of our thousands of residents who are, or who will soon be, off campus.
Of course, all residents are welcome to view the recordings. Thanks to Ed Black for the recording.
See link in the Sidebar under the heading "Delegate Assembly". Simply click on the desired date.
Dave Israel
After spirited debate, Phyllis Richland was approved by Delegate Assembly to serve as UCO Vice President for the unexpired term of one year.
This vacancy was created by the election of Dave Israel to the Presidency of UCO. Dave had been serving in the position of UCO VP.
Welcome aboard Phyllis!
Dave Israel
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Florida Commission Human Relations (FCHR) - ARE YOU REGISTERED?
Maintaining your Associations status as a Senior Citizens building is very important.
Please check the following Web Site to determine if your Association is current:
Simply enter the name of your Association EG: "Greenbrier C" and note the expiration date.
Dave Israel
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Vote for WPB
UCO is reliably informed by WPRF, Inc. that the Riverwalk facility is now open.
Dave Israel
This blog is not user friendly.
Watering of lawns
Your BLOGMEISTER responds:
Short answer, The latest Florida Irrigation plan was published on March 15, 2010. Please see:
Palm Beach County = 3 days per week!
Dave Israel
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
abandoned unit
Channel 63
Pembroke Pines Century Village
In the main office which we would call our ticket office. They have pastic display bins (which could be bought at Staples) with a flyers from every club and organization so that everyone can see what is going on in CV. They have 55 clubs going. The flyer listing the clubs has - Club name, Meeting date, Meeting time, Meeting room, Contact person and time. If we have one of these I have never seen it. They will be celebrating Mother's Day Sunday, May 9 poolside at the clubhouse 1 pm to 4 pm with music. They have a Cafe on the Green Restaurant open daily from 6:30 am to 3 pm. Dinner hours Frid-Sat & Sun 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is not an advertisment for Pembroke Pines, I still want to live here in our CV.
Now that we have a NEW UCO maybe a representation of our NEW UCO should take a trip down to Pembroke Pines and see what's going on. May be it's time for real change.
The men's room has tree sinks not four. The have one hand dryer like us. But at the same time they have a paper towel dispenser with no papers on the floor as was told to me in our CV.
Seeing is beliving. No let's look into it. This is 2010.
I know that someone is going to reply to me to sell here and move to Pembroke Pines. Well that is not the reply I would like to see. I want NO negative replies. I just want to see our CV get better with the NEW UCO.
I'm a snowbird. I donate my time to COP for CV and Veterans at the WPB VA Hospital, so I don't sit on my A__. So please don't tell me to join UCO.
Florida Memories
Monday, April 5, 2010
room are locked at all times. A few months ago the 2 rooms were never locked.
In order to play bridge, canasta, etc....I have to go to WPRF office where you
buy tickets and ask for the key for Room A and I have to leave my CV ID pass
with them and when I return the key they return my ID to me. It is very
annoying to all who like to play in Room A.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
To Sue or Not to Sue
A belated welcome to the blog Dan Gladstone.
I’m sure I’m not alone in finding your recent postings a little ambiguous but at least you now have an outlet to vent your spleen, which is remarkably informative and,at the very least,entertaining.
In fact your posts, with constant references to allegations of lies and lawsuits have me positively enthralled. Could you tell us all please just what those lies were and how many lawsuits you have ‘actually’ filed?
I haven’t had one.
In fact, my attorney laughed so hard at 'the letter’ sent January 28; I thought he was going to fall off his chair. Especially since I wasn’t even in the country when I was allegedly distributing offensive material in an attempt to ‘besmirch’ you. The letter demanded a written apology within ten days.
Have you forgotten you never received one? Nor, although you may care to have others believe differently, have I ever received the threatened lawsuit.
If you really want to play with the grown ups Mr. G you really are going to have start acting like one. On your own admission you now have more time on your hands. Wouldn’t it be better spent helping us to help those who have been out of their homes for months?
Meanwhile, before you nip down to the snake store for the anti-venom serum you need before posting on the blog again, may I suggest that you pick up any remaining remnants of your credibility and what is left of your dignity!
Due date at the Reporter is the 7th of the month.
Think about new ideas and new volunteers for the new UCO Administration.
The Reporter prefers emailed material to
Since the Gmail account is newly created,
All UCO Reporter Emails should indeed be directed to the Gmail address, but it would appear that some are not even aware of it.
Please change your address books to reflect the new UCO Reporter Email Address.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Canal Alligator
Not Another Census
So could you please add up how many of your association are still here in residence and put it as a percentage in comments.
My building for instance is now exactly 50%. TIA Elaine
The Real Snowbirds of Palm Beach County
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Census Form
DUH!! Another brilliant government response!
Have a great Holiday all!!
Hello Census
"you just need to mail back one form, so it sounds like you're good to go. It sounds like you may have received what we call a "replacement questionnaire." Those have started going out this week. We've learned from research that people (thankfully you weren't one of them!) often put their census forms aside thinking they'll get to them later. Unfortunately, sometimes that form gets lost under a pile of other mail and forgotten about. So - we've learned we get a boost in response if we send another form. Thanks for filling yours out! Feel free to toss the other one in a way you're comfortable with.
(Stacy GimbelCenus Bureau Spokesperson Thursday, April 1, 2010; 2:00 PM )
Made us all groan - just another waste of money - first was the notice that form w/be mailed/ then form #1/ then note did you receive? followed by todays second identical form.
Is anyone else as disgusted as I am?